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NL2 Issues/Wants/Bug Reporting For Future Updates

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As it was funny to see, lets keep the peep bowling to the rct games for now

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I really want a endless height map like RCT3 has so that I can make a 200 mile high coaster that launches at 2 million MPH instantly! Or a 1,000 mile high drop tower.

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Not sure if this counts as an issue but for some reason Avast thinks the last 2 NL2 updates ( and are infections so I have to disable web shields just to download them.

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Someone would say that no matter what antivirus I use. So unprofessional...
I get this error at random when I start a new park (not every time):

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SkyArrow wrote:
Someone would say that no matter what antivirus I use. So unprofessional...
I get this error at random when I start a new park (not every time):

I guess the problem is it's difficult to test every anti virus for false positives. I agree its not much of an excuse though really. Although given that new error might be some odd coding. I presume you've emailed them with the error?
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mkingy wrote:
I presume you've emailed them with the error?

How did I not think about that? I haven't.

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I would love it if NL2 made like a package of like 30-40 different game assets that are built into the engine, let fences and walls and stuff and make it so you can change the colors of the walls and fences and crap and just general stuff for theming,

Oh and this (go a couple post backs to read up on this)

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A couple,of suggestions:

1. A X, Y and Z position of support nodes in the support panel like there is for the vertex nodes in the vertex panel in the editor
2. Able to look straight up and down
3. A zoom button/slider option, or the ability to lower the field of view much lower. To kind of emulate what happens with the (zoomed) target camera view except in the regular fly/walk mode
4. A time comb. Like a small tab that sticks out from the track like the other combs, but when you hover over it gives an estimation of the ride time up to that point.

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I kind of wish walk mode was a bit faster, I have to hold shift down to get a realistic walking speed
What are these for?

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I wish the walk mode could climb vertical ladders. And slide down sloped surfaces without having to make the slope over 45 degrees to be able to slide.

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also walk mode makes me feel like I'm crawling on the ground, it feels like the camera should be moved up like a foot or two. Maybe its cause I'm 6' 2".

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I just want more trains, and the Intamin track ties to be more close together like in real life. Thats it!
More train!

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I found this bug when I add bracing under the beam.


It makes the end of the I beam beveled strangely.

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SkyArrow wrote:
Turbo wrote:
having a park full of npc's would be really cool.... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut would be hell with lag

NL2 peep bowling, anyone?

Want: Simulate coaster crashes.

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Want: AI people
All hail your great Arrow Dynamics overlords.

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Dusso Janladde wrote:
SkyArrow wrote:
Turbo wrote:
having a park full of npc's would be really cool.... Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut would be hell with lag

NL2 peep bowling, anyone?

Want: Simulate coaster crashes.

CoasterGuy2000 wrote:
Want: AI people

Very nice. Would love to see this actually happen, minus the peep bowling for now, keep that to RCT. Maybe we will see this in a big future update. 8-) :P :D :geek:

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Availability of keyboard commands in play/ride mode... rather than just in setup. And maybe make ? show help as well as F1 and H

Inclusion of teratextures directory and contents from Nolimits 1 in Nolimits 2 to assist in importing .nltrack files across versions without missing textures. The teratextures can be obtained at present by installing the Nolimots 1 free demo and copying the teratextures directory to the Nolimits 2 install folder.

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An option to add other riders... and maybe some folks in the stations. Perhaps also a slider to indicate the density.

The riders should move out of their seat when you shift your own seat view... very nice of them :-)

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SkyArrow wrote:

I just found that it seems to only show that if I switch programs while it's loading the new park. If I keep it on NL2 while loading it will load AFAIK.


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