ok Valleyfair fans!
I have made some HUGE progress on my recreation, mainly due to the fact that I learned Sketchup and really needed to get any more done. To start I would like to thank
TallonD83 for making me these awesome, gorgeous, and spectacular train skins. frankly, the pictures don't due them justice. Also we were unable to find a picture of the logo on the front of the corkscrew, so if anyone comes across one please send me a link or something.
I would also like to thank
Projektion for making a special version of the Extreme Swing.
Most of the other stuff I did was adding in buildings. I planted a lot of trees and did a little terrain work. There really isn't that much to tell so I guess I will let the pictures do the talking.
getting to the park.
front gate.
Renegade is starting to get filled in.
and OMG what's this? Excalibur? Surprise.(still very early draft)
It is going very well. I have plenty of work to do but there are things I cant do. I will eventually need more rides, let me know if you can help. here is a list of rides I need. keep in mind a non-animated ride is better than no ride.
-Northern Lights
-Tilt A' Whirl
-Super Cat
-Wheel of Fortune
-Dinosaurs Alive
-Balloon ride
-Kite Eating Tree
-Linus's Beetle Bugs
-Linus Launcher
-Lucy's Tugboat
-Sally's Swing Set
-Snoopy vs. Red Baron
-Woodstock Whirlybirds
-Snoopy's Deep Sea Divers
any of the rides I missed I already have planned like Thunder Canyon, and The Wave.
Just let me know if you want to help or want to see more.