Most definitely! But I have no idea on a date. I wouldn't expect it anytime soon, though I may upload a "beta test" version before the 1992 park is done. I won't really be doing too much in later years until 1992 is done, as it is a foundation for the later years to lay on!
Unfortunately while work is plugging along, a lot of the "most glamorous" parts are done, so there isn't much worthy of showing in pictures until big landmarks. There are three people on the team now however, so it should pick up way more than when I was on it solo!
Currently Pip is working on a station for LNM which looks great so far, though he's also working on Drachenfire's station, and some Wolf Village stuff simultaneously, and keep in mind he has his own projects and life to work on too, so updates will be sporadic but worth the wait!
TallonD83 is working on textures. He's almost done with the 1992 Wolf texture, and it totally kicks the ass of the MSpaint one I had before! Wait til you guys see the finished product!
Currently I'm working on the more tedious nick-nacks of the coasters themselves. I doubt I'll do update posts nightly even though I usually put a bit in every night, but just for example, tonight I'm working on evac stairs for the Drachen Fire block brakes.
Don't worry, the project is too far along and too important to me to abandon, and with three people on the team, we're going to make sure the final product is very accurate and really worth while!