Hi Blade,
Thank you for you continued support! If I am understanding this correctly, you are suggesting we add a section for members to browse a selection of games, movies, ability to buy park tickets and such directly from this site right? We've somewhat attempted this in the past with poor results. We were even partnered with Six Flags to sell tickets on the site and that partnership ended after some internal changes happened there

We're also affiliated with No Limits Coaster and get a percentage of each sale referred thru our link on this site and thru the sales referred from nolimitscoaster2.com - Some months it does ok, other months it plain sucks. Nevertheless, I am very grateful for them to allow us to be their affiliate.
I am exploring other options but given our dominant age demographic, it is quite difficult to find related products that we could pitch that are in an affordable price range for our user base.
I am open to any suggestions

If I misunderstood you, please elaborate.
Thank you Blade