Too often we see the weekly awards not filled as people can't even seem to get a half decent rate on their ride. It probably doesn't help that rides drop off the front page so I'd like to try and encourage people by providing a list of the rides that haven't got a rate yet despite being up for an award week.
It literally takes 20 minutes to download and ride then put out 2-3 paragraphs explaining what you think about the ride. So if you find yourself with spare time and you've lost a bit of motivation - help the community! Drop a rate on one of the rides below!
Feel free to reply in the topic if you drop a rate - it'll help me prune the topic and keep it up to date! I'm planning to update it every other day - if not every day depending on my movements!
As an added benefit I'll donate you the tidy sum of 25 CC points if you rate a ride from the list and post in this topic to say you have! Because more CC points can only be good
Week starting on May 31, 2015 and ending on June 06, 2015 Rides Rated - 4 of 12
Darkness || Tight Fit Coaster Contest By:??TheCodeMaster - ... er-Contest
Spin Out By:??plantoris -
Swirling Fire By:??mkingy -
Creamsicle Swirl ( Tight fit spinning) By:??CKidd - ... t-spinning
Crazy Mouse By:??Coasterkidmwm -
Thoru: God of hate By:??lucasbetancor -
Sea Serpent By:?? -
Dolphin - Vekoma Flying Coaster By:??plong2k7 - ... ng-Coaster
Any suggestions / improvements post below too!