Here's the premise: we don't rate because we are lazy.
I am lazy. We are humans that are, in general, lazy.
Rather, we are geared toward doing things in the quickest, most efficient way possible.
The proposed solution is: Quick Ratings from the homepage (and track page).
This proposed solution would require a somewhat major addition to the rating system we currently have established.
That addition is: allowing numbers without comments.
Pictures work better than words. Look:
Graphical change #1: Homepage sidebar.
The red/gray slider is interactive; you can click or drag on a place along the bar.
The physical number will update to reflect the position you chose, with accuracy to 0.25.
A very similar slider can also appear on the track's exchange page after you click the "Download This Track" button.
I'm not going to photoshop that to save time.
Graphical change #2: Additional "Quick Ratings" box on track page.
This rating will factor into the upload's overall score absolutely equally, like every other regular rating.
It is for the simple convenience of riding a track, saying "I'd give that a solid x.xx", and doing so in seconds.
If implemented, we will all have to get accustomed to receiving numbers without explanation.
I expect this to generate the most controversy.
BUT, Quick Ratings can still be upvoted/downvoted/reported.
This will be of use for when one certain rating is an "outlier" (8.75, 9.50, 7.25, 2.00).
I guess it would be under moderator discretion just as it is presently.
Notable sites which use a system of ratings without comments: imdb.com.
Discuss feasibility, pros, cons, interest in implementation, etc.
-Keegan / tiepilot35