I was struck by an old memory earlier today as I was looking through some NoLimits recreations. Does anyone remember in the early aughts a designer who created these really highly detailed and super accurate coaster recreations, using some sort of CAD? I distinctly remember watching his/her Millennium Force video over and over when the real thing opened and dreaming of one day visiting Cedar Point. This was well before the days of YouTube, so hunting down really special videos like these was a huge treat.
Other things I might be remembering and might be making up:
- Super detailed B&M suspended rides (possibly Raptor or Montu)
- Possibly original designs
- Possibly at one point putting the newer videos behind a paywall
- No new updates after NoLimits 1 became available
I'm really sorry for the vague recollections, but that's all I've got short of calling a hypnotherapist

If you have any similar memories or ideas who this was or where they are now, I'd be very grateful!