For me my addiction got pretty much fed in by my parents. As a young kid we already went every holiday to a themepark. First to the Efteling and eventually when I grew up it also became visits to Walibi Flevo, Hellendoorn, Bobbejaanland and Warner Bros Movie World Germany. Some time later my dad got a coupon from work, which allowed free entry visits to various themeparks around the area (and beyond!). So on a pretty early age I also went to parks like Walibi Wavre and Walibi Schtroumpf. We even could have visited some parks further down in France but that was too far of a drive for us.
The actual themepark and coaster enthusiast started for me when Six Flags suddenly took over half of the themeparks here in Europa. Seasonal passes were introduced and pretty much every free day we had, was an excuse to visit a themepark which was in the seasonal pass.

First looping was also pretty interesting. Me and my mom were both standing in front of the Looping Star at Slagharen. I wasn't totally sure yet of riding it and so was my mom. She eventually said: If you're riding, I'm riding as well. So we both took the step and rode it. I can't remember how many laps we've ridden that day but I know it was a bunch. The first rides I just didn't dare to look in the loop so I pretty much looked down in the car. But after every lap I slowly started looking more up until it was outside the car.

Not sure when I exactly got introduced to RCT, but I do know it was on a Birthday party from family. A family member introduced me to RCT and gave us a copy. (Yay for piracy!) Pretty much ever since then I started thinking up crazy contraptions and building them withing the limits of RCT. I do remember having battles with my dad for having the better park value. It was amazing!
My introduction to NoLimits was thanks to my brother. He was a huge IT nerd/geek so he received a weekly magazine. One of the articles was about NoLimits and showed it to me. We pretty much bought the game immediately by the good ol' way of actually sending money through the mail.

A few weeks later we got the NL1.1 installation file and the rest of my coastergeekness has been fed and build the most weirdest unrealistic stuff which seemed cool ride. Without thinking of g's and whatsoever. Soon after, I joined Coastersims, received tips, started building some more seriouos stuff, Did stuff a 13 year old would do on the web, get banned and end up back here on WWS.

It's been a long ride so far and I hope it's not over yet.