Board index Public Relations Site Related Weekly Spotlight #1 for January 24-30, 2015!

Weekly Spotlight #1 for January 24-30, 2015!

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TTD03 User avatar
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Yea, we should.
Someone can make if you want, or i'll do it later.

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ill be interesting for helping it out im acutely a ex writer for a fan site but now I just write for a facebook page instead

mkingy User avatar

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deere839 wrote:
I'd be interestinginterested for in helping it out. I'm acutelyactually an ex-writer for a fan site, but now I just write for a facebook page instead.

Please slow down and proof read your posts! You are not doing yourself any favours putting yourself forward for a writing task when your posts contain so many basic errors.
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Ill slow down for this stuff but posting replies I don't care for how fast I type but when I write as a volunteer job ill do it correctly instead of going fast

Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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deere839 wrote:
but posting replies I don't care for how fast I type

Please, start caring since it starts to annoy several members here. Unless you want a reputation of a 10 year old spammer.
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Post February 11th, 2015, 10:24 pm

Posts: 8144
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I was considered a really bad poster about 10 years ago, but the spell checker function did help me learn to spell. I also knew that it was mainly provided by google so I came to like their contents. That's why I still love using that search system! Thanks Google for giving me a great joy of learning! :D I post away when I feel like sharing my stuff or thoughts. Deere, slowing down helps you think of something fabulous, too. :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

TTD03 User avatar
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^ You have an excuse, English is not your native language, completely understandable :)
As for everyone with English as a first language, no excuses :P


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