If I had my own theme park,it would want it around 800-1000 achres.I would theme every ride & fill the park with lots of fun.I would have something to do for all ages.I would have to have all unique coasters,not like any other theme park on the planet! I would have an on site hotel & it be heavily themed. I wouldn't want the park just to be flat like CP,but more like Busch Gardens Tampa.Its still flat,but not all the flat.I would have to have a lake and a river. Most of all I would try to have the best q's then any other park in the world.Not just rails that just zigzag with nothing to look at.Themed mist fans would sray out mist.The rails in the q would be themed aswell.So really I would have themed q's the keep the guest alittle entertained and try to build the best rides of all.