Located within the ??????Forbidden Valley?????? area of the Staffordshire park, guests are currently being evacuated for safety reasons. Nearby attractions which where also evacuated include Air, The Blade, Ripsaw and Nemesis, which recently celebrated its 21st Birthday. The park??????s Monorail and Skyride transportation systems are also reported to be temporarily closed.

The reported location of the fire. (File Image ?????? photo taken before the incident)
Guests being evacuated from Forbidden Valley ?????? ride attendants are currently redirecting guests.
It is believed the fire started at the ??????Fresh Fish & Chips?????? catering unit in the area. It is unclear if the situation has resulted in the closure of the park??????s Monorail which glides nearby the unit. The immediate area has been cleared by the park??????s security team, with no news of when rides will reopen.
The smoke was quite quick and [there was a] smell of fire, whole area evacuated by security. There is a general uncertainty amongst staff, and there is no confirmation of anything as yet.
UPDATE: Alton Towers?????? marketing team have commented;
We??????ve had a small fire in the Fish & Chip restaurant kitchen. It was extinguished very quickly and we will re-open.
credit Airgates