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Project Krakatoa - Back to the exterior

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Post January 26th, 2015, 10:51 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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TheCoasterMan589 wrote:
The depumper can actually work if you use it enough, but chances are the shaping wont be perfect even if it rides smooth after depumping.

You need to make sure you lock the entrance and exit vertices, otherwise it tries to make everything into a circle. The tool has worked miracles for me however occasionally it will fight back a bit so to speak.
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deere839 wrote:
quick question who draws that stuff because I cant draw that good

I do!

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
TheCoasterMan589 wrote:
The depumper can actually work if you use it enough, but chances are the shaping wont be perfect even if it rides smooth after depumping.

You need to make sure you lock the entrance and exit vertices, otherwise it tries to make everything into a circle. The tool has worked miracles for me however occasionally it will fight back a bit so to speak.

I've tried but nothing seems to work. Thank you anyway :)

skyscraper wrote:
is there a set release date yet?

Mmmm for which one?

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Tie density is definitely more realistic, and layout improved. The pacing is fantastic, especially after the second launch.
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Post March 26th, 2015, 2:48 pm

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A side project. This is a Intamin LSM launch coaster I've found in my hard drive. Track was made in one day, so don't expect it to be awesome. Also, it doesn't have enough clearance in one spot (just after the top hat), but I don't feel like redoing the layout.






Max speed: 110km/hora
Max height: 48m
Lenght: 1100m
Max G force (positive/negative/lateral): +4,5G/-1,5G/1G
2 Inversions (Immelmann, Zero G roll)
6 Airtime moments
1 Stengel Dive


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As I said in the other thread, the layout looks great, track is very smooth, and the roll into the brakes is neat (I like that it doesn't look "forced" like some do).
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JAMMY User avatar
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Looks great dapalm. Nice and smooth, I can see you've taken a great deal of care with the layout. Love the sharp and tight overbank into the immelmann. Great stuff! :D
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Some progress on the environment. I think NL2 terrain editor is underused, and it's a shame, because it can make great things, so I'll be experimenting with it on this ride. I've also chosen a name, Babieca (El Cid's horse), and there will be a medieval castle theming. Here is a bunch of pictures:










I'm uploading a new pov with this new changes. Will post it in a few minutes. Hope you like it

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Dapalm, please release all of these projects, this entire thread is golden.

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Thanks! I won't release all coasters, but I will release a few ones in the upcoming weeks :)

Here is the updated pov:

Btw, thanks to all of you that commented in the last update! I had to go and didn't have time :)

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I am in love! <3 Seriously this is looking fantastic!
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It's so beautiful!
Do you use any extra filters when uploading these screenshots?
If not, what settings do you use!

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@TTD03 nope, all those pictures are straight from the game. I don't remember the exact settings, as nSeven made that environment and I only changed some things. But similar values to the ones in Heretic's environment (by Kyle Sloane) always work fine.

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^ Yes you should! It's like night and day...

Some more pictures before I start making the 3ds for the queue and station:





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Damn you're good with lighting.
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mkingy User avatar

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Great looking ride dapalm - looking forward to a release from you!
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Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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That top hat looks seriously good. I am a bit in doubt about this buckle though:

It looks like it doesn't really flows smoothly on the transitions.
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^ mmm which transitions are yoy talking about? Tell me a time reference from the pov please!

Thank you guys!

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The Buckel = the S hill, same as I noted. I think that's Stengel's name for it.

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Wow S Hill has got another name! "Buckel" - what I've just learned. Awesome tip-off! :)
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I see what Dirk means - I think you do have that sort of shaping on real rides (my reference being Rita) but it's shorter and less noticeable. If you started the leveling out the banking it might 'fix' this, if indeed you see it as a problem.

Video Reference 0:27.
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Yeah, I didn't know it either, nice to hear about it. Thanks guys! DC had already told me about it, and although I won't change it in this ride, because it's a side project and it's made in FVD, so I would have to redo most of the layout, I will keep in mind for my future rides. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with how the track came out, especially since I worked very little time on it. I compare it to my last Intamin which took about three weeks and I can see the difference, so it's nice to see I got better at this program.


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