Dirk_Ermen wrote:
Hmmm... Show stalking, usually something like that happens when seasonal pass holders are a big fan of the show or whatever other reason. From my experiences, that only ends up affecting the actual performers and not all the techs and everything backstage around it. (Although, I'm sure they will notice the same person(s) being in the crowd every show

I guess as long they are nice and don't harass the preformers it should be all fine. You'd might even have something to laugh at after performances.

They very well could be. They have tried to contact me already and the show has only been live for TWO DAYS!!! I am not a performer by any means, but why would they want to try and contact me?
coasterdave wrote:
Oh... no thanks.... you can if you'd like
But, I've mentioned before I perform at Cedar Point. We definitely have groupies. Many give gifts and hugs and are harmless. Then there are some who have full on stalked performers. Social media is crazy when you're in the amusement live entertainment. I've had many people contact me became they found me.... Mind you, my name isn't posted around the park (like theater shows) and they still find me. Some people have found notes on their cars to pictures of them in a normal day. It can get creepy. We're lucky to have people that respect and enjoy our shows so often, but sometimes it pushes the limits... Like the couple that watched 5 of our 7 shows in one day... Then tried to kiss us. Not kidding.
I understand completely. they would try to give one of the performers gifts and tried to take her with him to China, and the whole nine yards. Although we all got a laugh out of it afterwards, it is still one of the weirdest things that I have ever come across at a theme park.