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Waterslide cravings?

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Post April 5th, 2015, 4:53 am

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I know we all have had cravings for specific coasters but what about cravings for specific waterslides, particularly off-season?

I seem to be having a craving for riding Deep Water Dive at KK. That anticipation, unique freefall sensation, and sheer height may be to blame for what may be the first time I remember having an off-season craving for a waterslide.

Only another month and a half wait...

Post April 5th, 2015, 11:14 am

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Dragon's Tail at SFWW

Best airtime on any slide and surprisingly comfortable when you fall back down. Does anyone know if Cliffhanger closed down for the new slide or what?
All hail your great Arrow Dynamics overlords.

Post April 5th, 2015, 11:16 am

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8-Voyage | 9-Maverick | 10-Monster


Post April 5th, 2015, 1:34 pm

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I have already visited two indoor aquatic centers that I have never been to before. One in Maryland and one in Virginia. I loved the slides at both. This month my mother said we can go to a third indoor aquatic center with a proslide water slide.

Post April 5th, 2015, 1:41 pm
VF15 User avatar
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I'm not usually a big waterpark person, but the new waterslides coming to Valleyfair this year have me excited to ride, and this picture should explain why...

Post April 5th, 2015, 3:53 pm
Blase Rhine User avatar

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CoasterGuy2000 wrote:
Dragon's Tail at SFWW

Best airtime on any slide and surprisingly comfortable when you fall back down. Does anyone know if Cliffhanger closed down for the new slide or what?

Definitely a top contender in my book! With this being my home water park, I enjoy it a ton! Dragons tail has a ton of airtime and it packs a nice punch. I don't think cliffhanger closed... but don't quote me on that...
Sometimes I dream of unicorns and oreos

Post April 5th, 2015, 4:24 pm

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The Beast at the Western Water Park

Always get a good few visits to this water park every year, and The beast is one of my top slides. The orange is the worst, when it goes over the edge on the main drop, you come up off the slide, it's terrifying.

Post April 5th, 2015, 7:14 pm

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Not Necessarily a waterslide craving, but the slide below (cliffhanger, Six flags Great Escape) Is awesome and I wish I can ride it again, hopefully I'll be going sometime soon to fill my craving for this beast, no really, the drop is absolutely insane!

Post April 5th, 2015, 8:16 pm

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I literally find Dragon's Tail beautiful and elegant! Wallpaper-worthy, too! Perhaps the best slide... in the world! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post April 6th, 2015, 5:37 am

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im dieing to try this during the summer
photo credit tpr

Post April 6th, 2015, 9:40 am
TTD03 User avatar
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The new drop out floor slides at the new Camelback Resort!
I have never been on a drop out slide before and I can't wait for these to be done!

Post April 6th, 2015, 10:17 am

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^the drop pods are great I loved ihu breakaway falls I just want to see more parks get them

Post April 6th, 2015, 11:32 am
Paradox User avatar

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I still haven't ridden Bonzai Blasters at SFNE and there are 6 drop capsule slides on one tower.

Can't believe no one has mentioned Verr??????ckt yet.

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post April 6th, 2015, 2:21 pm

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^^^ I live so close to camelback and never had any idea about new slides, Then again waterparks aren't my thing. I did however enjoy snakepit @ dorney.
What are these for?

Post April 6th, 2015, 3:55 pm

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People always assume I'm into waterparks because I love coasters and amusement parks, but I truly cannot be bothered.

Post April 7th, 2015, 4:31 am

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Paradox wrote:
Can't believe no one has mentioned Verr??????ckt yet.

Too bad that it cut down the top speed to crest a hill! It lacks any impact. It surely is standing tall, but the falling speed is now controlled. ;)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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