In case someone has been wondering, I've postponed my Nordschleife project because Intamins are SUPER hard to custom support and I wanted to redo part of the layout, but I'll reboot it in a couple of weeks. However, my floorless is REALLY in full swing. I guess I should stop updating here and make a standalone Hard Hat thread soon. I'm trying to get the look of the lift hill and its supports right...
Oh, and because he insists that people credit in his original NoLimits Exchange thread: skybox textures compiled by David Ainsworth (djd711). (I HOPE he will FINALLY release his made-for-NL2 sunset skybox ... 167&page=2)
I've been using SketchUp for some time so I can do the scenery, but so that I can save some time does anyone know of any scenery posted online that is inspired by Ancient Greece or Rome? Like temple stuff or old relics or broken columns? I don't feel like doing all of those to be honest