The original project was to design a park with 4 themed areas. Because I lost motivation for the park and began work on Florida Adventure I decided to take a break. Little did I know that the file got corrupted due to other missing files. A few days ago I found the file and also found the missing files. Much work needed to be done so I decided to scrap 3 of the 4 area. The are that remained was called Flying Ace's Farm. The area features 3 rides with Barnstomer being the main attraction. Barnstormer is a state-of-the-art B&M wingrider that features a unique element. Upon entering Flying Ace's Farm, Flying Ace invites you and your friends to go to Barnstorming with him throughout the farm. Not knowing if its a good idea or not you agree and enter the queue. You begin seeing several holes in the buildings and suddenly realize that they are from previous test runs. You board 1 of 2 airplane themed cars and begin liftoff. Your airplane flies above, below, and through several of the farms buildings before hitting the brakes and slowing you to safety.
The original idea of this ride came from Disney Worlds Barnstormer ride in ToonTown. I began thinking what if this was bigger and badder. What could I do to push the thrill factor to the max. I began brainstorming several ideas and drawing layouts on paper. I then built several layouts until I found the one that was perfectly suited for my version. After I began using google sketchup to model some scenery (Please not that the scenery is not perfect. It served more for a learning purpose for more advanced scenery). Once I finished I reached out to TallonD93 for cartexture help, TTD03 with some scripting help, Projecktion for his fantastic flat rides, The Code Master for the environment, and NSeven for his amazing foliage. Without them this project would've hit the can.
I am proud to be able to finally share one of my projects with the community. Be on the lookout for it April 20th!