So, once upon a time, there was a well-received giga coaster. Its name is Skyward. It was known for its fast turns, huge drops and prolonged airtime of six seconds in one certain hill. It had held the #1 spot in the Golden Ticket Awards for nine consecutive years. I know it won't happen to this design ever but it's just story haha
Then, one day, for it's 10th anniversary, Six Kings Cedarwindsland Gardens Studios Lake announced Twisted Skyward, a renovation with red accented stripes, almost all the airtime hills converted to Zero G rolls, and the world's tallest vertical loop standing over 280 ft. tall. The banking was softened as well, and the opening straight brake blocks was replaced by this gimmicky dive drop underground. They also added OTSRs.
How would you react then if this happened in real life?
Would you be disappointed at the change and the removal of airtime, would you be excited for this change, or would you not care enough at this point that you don't care about how it would go in the end? And would you still vote for it in a rollercoaster poll? Would you ride it first before judging?
I'm interested to see the answers of the community. Please don't hesitate to vote on the poll and explain in a reply below if you need to expand on it.
Thank you for feeding my curiosity!