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How often do you visit your home park?

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Post March 13th, 2015, 7:13 am
VF15 User avatar
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It seems that there are some coaster enthuiasts who visit their home park almost every week, while some of them say they hardly ever go. Just wondering exactly how often the rest of you visit your local park.

I visit Valleyfair about 10 times a year, give or take a few, which averages about two visits per month from May through October. Even though I have a relatively long commute to get to the park, I think I go about as often as enthusiasts that live in the city.

Nickeloden Universe is my secondary home park, and I visit the park only once or twice a year during the winter when Valleyfair is closed. I don't visit NU very often because I have to focus on school during winter, and their annual pass is way too expensive ($250).

Post March 13th, 2015, 7:23 am

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I visit my home park seaworld Orlando sometimes 8 times a month maybe more or less sometimes depending on weather

Post March 13th, 2015, 9:10 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Hmmm... Depends for me what you can actually call my homepark...
- If it's the first coaster in distance from my place. Than it's something like once every 3-4 years. :lol:
- If it's the first decent park in distance from my place. Than it's something like 2-3 times a year.
- If it's the first proper park in distance from my place. Than it's something like 5-10 times a year.
- If it's my favorite park within a proper driving distance (About an hour). Than it's something like 10-30 times a year. :lol:
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Post March 13th, 2015, 9:49 am

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Holiday World once a year, if that, but even then it can feel kinda tiring regardless, but hopefully that changes this year.
I would talk about Kentucky Kingdom but that's more of a large waterpark with a modest sized carnival attached, so it doesn't count as a park to me.
Last edited by Soko on May 10th, 2015, 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Post March 13th, 2015, 9:51 am

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I work at my home park :P
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Post March 13th, 2015, 10:17 am

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(Six flags new England is my home park). We used to go every 2 weeks or so, now that they installed WC We will be going every weekend. :)

Post March 13th, 2015, 11:00 am
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SFNE: 1 hour
LC: 45 minutes
Quassy: 45 minutes
Canobie 1 and a half hours

I usually go to SFNE more often.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post March 13th, 2015, 4:10 pm
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Post March 13th, 2015, 5:23 pm

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I don't really have a home park, though I guess Portaventura would be a candidate since it's only 2 hours away technically (30 min flight, 15 min transfer, 75 mins of waiting).
I only visit about 1 or 2 times a year, but when I do go there, I usually go for a couple of days.

Post March 13th, 2015, 5:31 pm

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During operating season, 1-3 Times a week. off season, about 1-2 times a month.
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Post March 13th, 2015, 5:51 pm

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I used to go about once a week, but last season I only got to go twice because I was busy during the summer. SFGA is about an hour away for me, and Im definitely going a lot this year!
It's been a long time
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VF15 User avatar
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Since school is starting earlier for me this year (and since I will be very busy this summer and fall), I unfortunately don't see myself going to Valleyfair more than 7 or 8 times this year. :(
Last edited by VF15 on May 10th, 2015, 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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^ Lucky you, I'm REALLY lucky if I ever get to visit my home park (Enchanted Kingdom) more than once a year! :evil:
Granted, every time is a great time, but still. :(
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VF15 wrote:
Since school is starting earlier for me this year (and since I will be very busy this summer and fall), I unfortunately don't see myself going to Valleyfair more than 7 or 8 times this year. :(

You consider 7-8 times a year as small, but that's a LOT by my standards :lol:

I'm lucky to get more than 2 visits to Kenny wood a year!

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I'm about the same as you, 3-4 usually.
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I usually go 4 times every week counting weekend and some times ever single day and my home park is carowinds

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my "home park" has been under a lot of scrutiny recently, and I used to work there so not much desire to visit, my GF wants to get passes, she loves penguins and since she is from NY, has never been to Sea World San Diego, so probably gonna go a few times this year. As for other parks in my region:

SFMM 3 hour drive each way, through LA, so usually takes about 5 hours to get there, I try to go every couple years.

Legoland been a few times, kinda pricy for what it is, so, probably every few years or so

KBF usually once a year, not a fan of what Cedar Fair has turned the farm into, yeah the rides are very exciting, but the charm has been lost over the years.

Disneyland I have an AP so 3-6 times a year, you seem surprised, lol.

Universal Studios I try to go every couple years, haven't been in a while though, not sure if I want to go this year or next, may just wait until Wizarding World is open.

Adventure City, never been, may go at some point, Rewind Racers looks pretty legit.

So yeah, I don't really consider any park to be a "home park" because I consider Sea World to be more of a zoological park/aquarium than an amusement/theme park.
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VF15 User avatar
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Huh, I always thought I was the enthusiast that doesn't go to their home park as often as most others do, but I guess it might be the other way around :?. Although, I don't believe I get around to other parks as frequently as the rest of you do.

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I've been to Great Adventure 3 times so far and I'm going a 4th time this Friday. I'm gonna give El Diablo a try! After that I might go on Memorial Day weekend (that, or KD or Hershey). After that weekend I will be extremely busy and won't be able to go until late July/August. I hope to go 10+ times now that we have Holiday in the Park! (Gonna skyrocket my individual coaster counts!)
It's been a long time
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When I had my Merlin Annual Pass, I would go about once a week to Alton Towers. It's about 45-50 minute drive depending on traffic, from my house, and about 35 minutes from where I work.

I used to leave work on a Friday (I finish at 13:30 on Fridays), and spend 3 or 4 hours re-riding Nemesis haha. Then once a month or so, take my missus as well at the weekend. Interspersed with visits to other UK parks.

Now that I no longer have my Annual Pass, It's more like once a month using Bounce Back tickets. No where near as much as I'd like to, but saving up to move house is pretty difficult in England, and the Annual Passes were ??250 a year we didn't need to spend each year for the last 3 years.

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I should really get down to organising these next few UK meet ups.
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SFNE and LC 3-4 times a year each.

I sometimes get out to Quassy and I might this year to ride Frantic.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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Now that I work at my home park, it is about every weekend, and here pretty soon, it will be every day.

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In my 'hey-dey', I used to visit Alton Towers about once every two months, with other UK parks such as Thorpe, Drayton Manor and Flamingo Land fitted in between. I'd probably say my best year for parks was 2014, in terms of both numbers and variety, having visited Liseberg, as well as the majority of the UK parks at least once.

However, similar to gouldy, now that I do not have a Merlin Annual Pass, my park visiting has greatly reduced, also due to the fact that no family members will visit parks anymore, and with friends away at uni, it's just too hard to organise haha.
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VF15 User avatar
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I might only be able to visit Valleyfair three or four more times this year since I'm busy this summer, and I have more out-of-state park visits planned than in previous years. :|


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