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TTD03's Park Visit Schedule/Trip Reports For 2015!

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

TTD03 User avatar
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2015 Season is done! Check out the 2016 Park Schedule topic here!

NEW! On-Ride Photos from each of my visits can/will be available on all visits from now on! The first visit with on-ride photos is June 13! Enjoy!

Visit Schedule:

Already Went/Happened:[list]
[*]April 3- Kings Dominion
[*]April 4- Kings Dominion
[*]April 5- Kings Dominion
[*]April 11- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!
[*]April 18- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!
[*]April 24- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!
[*]April 25- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!
[*]May 9- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!
[*]May 15- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!
[*]May 16- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!
[*]May 22- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!
[*]May 23- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! (No meetup with any other CC users on this trip!)
[*]May 26- Six Flags Great Adventure (No meetup with CC users on this trip!) Visit #10 to SFGADV this year!
[*]June 4- Dorney Park (For only 30-45 minutes, on the way to Cedar Point!)
[*]June 5- Cedar Point
[*]June 6- Cedar Point
[*]June 7- Cedar Point
[*]June 13- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!: On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #11 to SFGADV this year!
[*]June 20- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!: On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #12 to SFGADV this year!
[*]July 5- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!: On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #13 to SFGADV this year!
[*]July 12- Dorney Park
[*]August 2- Six Flags Great Adventure: Trip Report Here! and On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #14 to SFGADV this year!
[*]August 4- Six Flags New England: On-Ride Photos Here!
[*]August 5- Six Flags New England: On-Ride Photos Here!
[*]August 9- Kings Island with Blase Rhine! Trip Report Here!
[*]August 10- Holiday World with Blase Rhine! Trip Report Here!
[*]August 12- Dollywood with Blase Rhine! Trip Report Here!
[*]August 13- Carowinds with Blase Rhine! Trip Report Here!
[*]August 14- Busch Gardens Williamsburg with Blase Rhine! Trip Report Here!
[*]August 15- Kings Dominion with Blase Rhine! Trip Report Here!
[*]August 18- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!: On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #15 to SFGADV this year!
[*]August 19- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10!: On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #16 to SFGADV this year!
[*]August 22- Six Flags Great Adventure for GADV Online Day 2015! On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #17 to SFGADV this year!
[*]August 26- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #18 to SFGADV this year!
[*]August 30- Six Flags Great Adventure! On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #19 to SFGADV this year!
[*]September 4- Six Flags Great Adventure! On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #20 to SFGADV this year!
[*]September 12- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! for Riding of The Bull Siete! On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #21 to SFGADV this year!
[*]September 19- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! On-Ride Photos Here! Visit #22 to SFGADV this year!
[*]October 10- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #23 to SFGADV this year!
[*]October 16- Cedar Point
[*]October 17- Cedar Point
[*]October 18- Cedar Point
[*]October 24- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #24 to SFGADV this year!
[*]October 30- Dorney Park
[*]October 31- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #25 to SFGADV this year!
[*]November 1- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #26 to SFGADV this year!
[*]November 20 - Six Flags Magic Mountain
[*]November 21- Six Flags Magic Mountain
[*]November 22- Knott's Berry Farm with Oscar!
[*]December 5- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #27 to SFGADV this year!
[*]December 6- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #28 to SFGADV this year!
[*]December 12- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #29 to SFGADV this year!
[*]December 13- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #30 to SFGADV this year!
[*]December 18- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #31 to SFGADV this year!
[*]December 19- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #32 to SFGADV this year!
[*]December 26- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #33 to SFGADV this year!
[*]December 27- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #34 to SFGADV this year!
[*]December 30- Six Flags Great Adventure with Crazycristo10! Visit #35 to SFGADV this year!

Well... So you can tell I am going to a lot of parks. Probably to Six Flags Great Adventure around 30 times. Dorney about 3 times, and Cedar Point 2 times. If you want to meet up at one of these dates, let me know. They most likely won't change, but there is a chance that they might, so be aware of it.

2015 Season is done! Check out the 2016 Park Schedule topic here!

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TTD03 wrote:
Well since VF15 and RCT3rox are doing it, I might as well too.

Visit Schedule:

August 7- Six Flags Great Adventure with Blase Rhine!
August 9- Kings Island with Blase Rhine!
August 10- Holiday World with Blase Rhine!
August 11- Dollywood with Blase Rhine!
August 12- Carowinds with Blase Rhine!
August 13- Carowinds with Blase Rhine!
August 14- Busch Gardens Williamsburg with Blase Rhine!
August 15- Kings Dominion with Blase Rhine!

Can't Wait!! :D
Sometimes I dream of unicorns and oreos

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So jealous of your frequent park visits. I have a Cedar Fair Platinum Pass and Six Flags Gold Pass but I've only been to SFOT once and WOF once so far.

Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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TTD03 wrote:
Yea I know, was just doing a full year schedule :P

Why not remove those dates instead of putting them in bold? Would make the list more organized imo. :)
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
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VF15 User avatar
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Darn, I wish I could go to parks as often as you do TTD03. I'll be going to more parks than normal this summer, but it still won't be nearly as much as you.

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oh god I never imaged you visiting this many times to parks

Posts: 8144
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Like The Busiest Package Tourists! Take care! :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

TTD03 User avatar
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Yea this is the busiest summer ever with parks. As a teenager that will soon be able to drive (and who has a friend who already can drive *cough crazycristo10 cough*) that's why.

And Dirk, I will change it up now.

Edit: Done.

TTD03 User avatar
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The schedule has been updated with completed trips, and more scheduled.
Six Flags New England added for the upcoming week.

TTD03 User avatar
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One more thing,
And yes, triple post.

I have added a new link to each visit, and that is of my On-Ride photos that I now get for free. Find out more about that "Free" part here.

The first trip with photos are from June 13.

TTD03 User avatar
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So cool! :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

TTD03 User avatar
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I'm really impressed with your list haha. Lots of repeats though... But this reminds me of last summer for myself. I miss it. I work all summer now so this kind of mega trip planning is a time gone and passed.

TTD03 User avatar
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^ Yea I am abusing it now. This is my last "free" summer before college prep lol.

TTD03 User avatar
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More dates have been added!
August 2nd for SFGADV
August 4th and 5th for SFNE
August 7th for SFGADV
August 22nd for GADV Online 2015 Day
September 12th for Riding of The Bull Siete!

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^Are you planning to attend the ERT tomorrow? I think you get a wristband if you purchase a Slurpee (it's some marketing deal). I'm 85% sure I'm going, because ERT is hard to pass up!
It's been a long time
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TTD03 User avatar
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OMG you serious! I didn't know! I am definitely going now! Meetup perhaps?

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If I end up going, I'll definitely see you there! Though, they didn't announce what rides the ERT is on (because Gadv is vague like that) so there's that
It's been a long time
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Photos from Six Flags New England have been added for August 4th and 5th!

TTD03 User avatar
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Photos have been added to visits on August 22nd and 26th!

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Where does school into the fall schedule? You seem to have a lot of Sept - Dec days planned while some form of school is presumably in session.

TTD03 User avatar
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^ I'm starting my senior year of high school and all those dates are weekends or Friday nights.


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