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WICKED Cyclone - Six Flags New England 2015

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Hey guys, We're at Six Flags New England for media day. Chris and Kyle have been posting pics and updates for us on our Facebook page and Twitter.

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Here's some of the pics they have taken for us:

Cool grab bag of items we got for media day. It's the media kit. It has cups, pencils, coupons and other neat items!

The park is empty!!!

Here's a shot fo the sign about the entrance to the queue line.

There she goes!

Checkout the twisted metal mess that the #wickedcyclone has left behind for you to ride!

Great merchandise!

A clean pic of the ride
Here's a couple shots of the queue
More queue
and more queue still XD
Here's a shot of the stairs that lead into the station building from the queue
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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4 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW that station theming looks awesome.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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I mean... it is better than what stood before it. That's the goal.
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Yes but it is also amazing. :D
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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I personally wouldn't say amazing. Everything before the double down is cool and original, but after that it turns into highly repetitive wavering turns (I mean, seriously, right now, watch 0:54+ on that video and tell me that isn't ridiculous!) and a few sluggish rolls. It's a good ride. They worked with what they had. I just believe they have made many better rides.

The New Texas Giant effect is heavy with this ride.
1-Millennium Force | 2-Intimidator 305 | 3-Fury 325
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I don't think you guys completely understand, this coaster is literally INSANE. I've ridden texas giant, and the ending did noticeably drag on. This is not the case at all. This ride had so much speed going into the brake run, and all those little maneuvers are traversed so quickly. The video really does not accurately express the second half. The final barrel roll and turnaround is actually one of the best parts of the ride. The exit to the roll kinda sticks sideways a bit so it has lats as it comes out that continue going into the next hill. It moves quickly through it and those low to the ground flatter turns have some really heavy lats on them.

Every hill on this ride is like the cross over hill on el toro. Each of the inverted elements provide spectacular and long lasting floating/hangtime. Each of the little turns is either overbanked has lats at the top, like airtime sideways almost, and there are tons of little quick rotations and transitions that you feel so well because of the design of the car. I don't know how to do the ride justice. Its like they combined the pacing of boulder dash, the twists of maverick, and the airtime of el toro or balder all into one.

I was talking to someone who had ridden Medusa steel coaster, who said that they only put this a hair below that, but essentially on the exact same level of intensity. The only thing that the ride would need to put it on par is having the terrain to work with to make a mid ride drop or low high speed sweeping turn.

EDIT: I think i know what is misleading about the pov. For one, it is a really really low FOV, so the sense of speed is really off. Second of all, it is in the front of the train, and this ride is SERIOUSLY a back seat ride, it gets catapulted like crazy through every one of those elements in the second half. And also, the track is a lot bigger in person than I thought it was, and it seems to be bigger than texas giant, so all those elements are really pretty large, it makes me realize that outlaw run and Medusa must be huge rides.

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You guys must be high if you dont think this is an elite coaster! That double down into the bunny hill looks SOOO fun! Every turn is shaped with the right proportion to give some sort of sensation regardless of speed. This isnt a b&m where it just slowly transitions into an element. Each and every part of this ride is designed to make you feel something.

I'm curious to see how this stacks up against Twisted Collosus. The GP are raving about it. Hopefully they really like WC too

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^Thats true the GP literally RAVED about how fun this ride was, children and adults alike. Hopefully six flags realizes that a ride can resonate with all audiences and be a huge hit without having gimmicks.

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Yeah I definitely expected that, just like you see kids and adults loving El Toro. Having a low-ish height restriction makes a difference. Suddenly your thrill coaster is a family ride that actually does satisfy everyone.

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Well if the GP are saying it...!
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It's nice to see all of the great reviews for Wicked Cyclone. It definitely looks like RMC outdid themselves again with this ride. :)

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GerstlCrazy wrote:
Well if the GP are saying it...!

I don't think that was the point of their arguments...
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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RMC might have won 2015. Either them or B&M; you decide.
It's been a long time
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coolbeans326 wrote:
You guys must be high if you dont think this is an elite coaster! That double down into the bunny hill looks SOOO fun! Every turn is shaped with the right proportion to give some sort of sensation regardless of speed. This isnt a b&m where it just slowly transitions into an element. Each and every part of this ride is designed to make you feel something.

I'm curious to see how this stacks up against Twisted Collosus. The GP are raving about it. Hopefully they really like WC too

Hi I haven't seen you in awhile!

Aside from that, looks like a really phenomenal ride and I'm jealous of the people at SFNE.
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I think B&M and RMC both won 2015. If I had to choose one I'd probably pick B&M - they may just have delivered their best hyper/giga, wing rider, and dive coaster all in one year. It's interesting how much people criticize B&M for sameness and laud RMC for creativity when RMC are also doing more of what they've already done - the DNA of their coasters had been established by the time Texas Giant and Outlaw Run were designed. RMC's technology has been innovative and their coasters are pretty phenomenal, but the hype train gets a touch carried away. That said both TC and WC seem to largely deliver on their promises.

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Except B&M have been turning out a lot of the same elements for like, 30 years! lol

All kidding aside, let's face it. Designers created what parks ask for, and a lot of parks want what they see their competition building. Especially here in the US.

If parks no longer wanted "stalls", RMC would be forced to bring something new to the table. Knowing the way Alan works, he's already itching to do just that. But every park wants that cool thing they saw on Goliath.

Speaking of which, I had a ride on TC with one of the RMC guys who hinted that they are not done working with SFMM. X3 !!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
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Apocalypse iron horse treatment?

Legit they could do something RIDICULOUSLY insane with that layout
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^They'd have no wooden coaster, and it'd be silly to follow up TC with another Ibox. I still want to see RMC do a full layout conversion with their topper track so the coaster can still be considered wooden (although I guess 'hybrid' is a popular marketing angle).

Manic Monte wrote:
Except B&M have been turning out a lot of the same elements for like, 30 years! lol

Whoa, whoa, whoa...Kumba is only 22 this year =P

B&M slayed the 90s, and we're still benefiting from that slayage today. I think they're finally starting to shake off the lull that has pervaded since Stengel left the picture. RMC is very good for the industry, everyone sees their results and I think they're already helping to drive innovation across the industry. Competition is always good for the consumer.

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Yea I feel that B&M is starting to return to its roots which is amazing.

also 3 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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What Kyle Sloane said above is perfectly correct. I have never ridden a ride more intense than the backrow on WC, Period. To compare, I've ridden all rides at SFGA, SFNE, SFLG, WDW, USO/IOA and Bush Gardens Tampa. This ride was REALLY insane. I may be a bit biased because it's my home park, but it was really insane. I honestly don't think I'm exaggerating, either. In other words, it wasn't the big drop that made this ride great (unlike most coasters). It was the amount of Whips, quick turns and heavy lats that made this ride insane. It was also the fact that the ride was so comfortable. Unlike some coasters where heavy G's cause painful tension on the restraints, this ride atleast pulled -1.7 G's throughout most of the airtime hills. Even though the airtime hills were beyond extreme, there was absolutely no pain and still remained comfortable the whole ride. The only time where I was like 'WTF' was the Double Reversing Airtime hill into the Barrel roll, this was because it wasn't expected to be that intense, and it was definitely one of the spotlights for this ride.

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Leaving tomorrow morning to Boston to meet some friends a get some rides on WC on Sunday, after riding TC all week. Will I be among the first to ride both? I am truly an RMC fanboy, and I make no apologies for it. lol
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I might be going Sunday if you want to meet up, I will also be going saturday for sure!

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mrcrolly wrote:
I've ridden all rides at SFGA, SFNE, SFLG,

The eff is SFLG
1-Millennium Force | 2-Intimidator 305 | 3-Fury 325
4-Skyrush | 5-Iron Rattler | 6-X2 | 7-Kingda Ka
8-Voyage | 9-Maverick | 10-Monster



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