This thread will catalog any such "seeds", 3d packs, and flat rides, and provide links to where they can be downloaded. But what we need now, is your help as a community. Any contributions are appreciated and are sure to help out new designers (we've ALL been there).
To contribute the the database, simply post a link to your file along with a brief description (for labeling purposes of course) and it should be cataloged and added to the list within a day or so.
We're hoping we can work together as a community to help better this site as a resource for NoLimits designers of all types.
Thank you all, it's truly appreciated.
Batman: The Ride
Recreation of the Batman clones, free for all to use in their own parks, credit MUST be given for this track if it is used in a park that is released. Made by TallonD83, with input from Dapalm, Blase Rhine, and support and track shaping help from Blase Rhine. Enjoy!
Download Link:
-by TallonD83
Nitro Starter Kit
This is essentially a "starter kit" for a Nitro recreation. It includes accurate colors, accurate car textures, accurate station music, and the station, transfer, and storage tracks. Feel free to use it (or any part of it) as the starting point for your Nitro recreation! Please give credit for use of the car textures (those purple highlights were a PAIN to get right!), for anything else it's not necessary.
Download Link:
-by Dusso Janladde
Park Add-On Pack
This is more of an "add on" pack for No Limits 2. The file contains several different kinds of benches for any park, a trashcan, a concrete ground texture, as well as the entrance sign for TallonD93's Batman: The Ride.
Directions: Download the file and extract the package. Then use anything in the package for your amazing creations!
TallonD93- Batman: The Ride/ Cartextures
TheCodeMaster- Rocks/Environment
Nseven- Foliage
Download Link: ... l2pkg?dl=0
*If you use any of the models, All I ask is you give me credit for the benches, trashcan, ground texture, and the Batman sign.
If there are any issues please let me know!
-by Blase Rhine
Sky-Wheel Triple Ferris Wheel
The Sky-Wheel Triple Ferris Wheel comes with the ride itself as well as smaller assets to add to it, like a fence, platform planters, and a text object. I think the most interesting aspect of it is an object that I created a text object where you name the object in the Editor and upon loading the Simulator, a script will calculate what letters to display in Play Mode.
Download Link: ... ersion-112
-by maverick34jjv
Mondial Windseeker Flat Ride
A Mondial Windseeker (primarily based on the ones at Canada's Wonderland, Carowinds, Cedar Point and Kings Island) for you guys to use as a background object/flat ride in your parks.
Thanks to Magu78 for letting me use his seat model in this.
The ride has now been updated to be both ride-able and re-colourable.
Download Link: ... -Flat-Ride
-by Projektion
S&S Screamin' Swing Flat Ride
An S&S Screaming Swing for you guys to use as a background object/flat ride in your parks.
The ride has now been updated to be both ride-able and re-colourable
Download Link: ... -Flat-Ride
-by Projektion
S&S Sky Swat Flat Ride
A new flat ride that I've been working on, the S&S Sky Swat. This one is based on the (only) one at Thorpe Park, Slammer
This flat ride comes pre-packaged with the music and announcements that play during Slammer's Real Life operation, if you want to turn these off, Open SkySwat.nlvm and find the line:
private int music = 1; //Change this value to turn the music on or off (1 = 0n, 0 = off)
(should be the 11th line of code)
And change the 1 value to a 0.
This ride is also ride-able, just walk up to it and push E and you will get in
Download Link:
-by Projektion
Intamin Sky Jump
An Intamin Sky Jump based on the one found at Busch Gardens Tampa ("Falcon's Fury")
This ride is ride-able, recolourable and the height can be set to what ever you want.
To recolour, follow this tutorial:
To change the height: (after extracting the package) open Skyjump.nlvm and look for the line:
private static final float maxHeight = 100.0f; // Height of Drop Tower (In Meters). 300 meters maximum. 50 meters minimum.
keep in mind though, this script was written with the tower set at 100 meters, so anything below may not look as good/work
(Should be the 40th line of code)
and change the 100.0f value to the height you want the drop tower to be (must be in meters).
For example, if I wanted a tower 130 meters tall, I would put 130.0f in place of the 100.0f.
To change the name of the ride: (when it appears "Press E to enter Intamin Sky Jump"), look for the line:
view.setLabel("Intamin Sky Jump");
(should be the 115th line of code)
and change the "Intamin Sky Jump" to the name of your choice.
For example, if I wanted a tower to be called Falcon's Fury, I would put "Falcons Fury" in place of the "Intamin Sky Jump".
Download Link:
-by Projektion
Intamin Drop Of Doom
A recreation of the Drop of Doom rides found on Superman at SFMM and Kingda Ka at SFGAdv that you can use in your parks to spruce them up a bit.
This ride can be configured to whatever height you want it to be. To change the height, (after extracting the package) open Zumanjaro.nlvm and look for the line:
private static final float maxHeight = 50.0f; // Height of Drop Tower (In Meters). 200 meters maximum. 50 meters minimum otherwise script crashes.
(Should be the 21st line of code)
and change the 50.0f value to the height you want the drop tower to be (must be in meters).
For example, if I wanted a tower 130 meters tall, I would put 130.0f in place of the 50.0f.
The ride features an automated flashing on ride camera, working restraints and is ride-able.
Thanks to Magu for allowing me to use his seat model.
I've uploaded a new revision that allows the ride to be recoloured. To recolour, follow this tutorial:
Download Link:
-by Projektion
Rocks By Coaster Mind
The newest update of the rock set by Coaster Mind
If you use it, please give credit to Coaster Mind
Trees: Nseven
Download Link: ...
-by Coaster Mind
Pinfari Mini Mighty MM29
Here's a recreation of a Pinfari Mini Mighty MM29 that JAMMYD778 made a while back. Made mainly just for a filler type ride you can plonk down anywhere, one of the smoothest Pinfari's (and he's sure you'll agree). He's not asking for credit if you use it (but it would be nice).
Download Link: ... D-Coasters
-by JAMMYD778
Chain Link Fence Version 2
A simple chain link fence with various heights, lengths and angles for use in your parks.
Download Link: ... ink-Fences
-by Mkingy
Steel Handrails
Simple steel handrails for use in your parks.
Download Link:
-by Mkingy
Kyle Sloane's NL2 Park Assets
Kyle has graciously created and shared a modular scenery pack which he intends to keep updating. To use this scenery, simply turn on snap to meter distances and make sure to check the box in the editor!
This version (V1.2) includes:
Walkways, Railings, & Stairs
among others all beautifully rendered along with the corresponding materials files.
Download Link: ... authuser=0
BT Paths v2
This is BT Paths v2.
It lets you build pathways quickly and intuitively -
without having to jump back and forth between NoLimits and 3rd party 3D software.
It's also easier and it makes more sense for larger projects - like parks.
You move things around and see the effects directly, and you can do it all simultaneously as terrain and scenery.
Bye Tom has worked way more with this pack than he first set out to,
and it really did turn out more complex than he first thought.
Right now there are 55 objects in two main categories:
A - Asphalt, No fence
B - Asphalt, Steel pipe fence
he really hopes people find use for it!
Download Link:

- [li]Extract the .zip file in <b><i>My Documents/com.nolimitscoaster.nolimits2</i></b>[/li]
[li]With NoLimits, browse for scenery objects using the "Choose" button.
BT Paths v2 should be found under "Home"[/li]
[li]Enable snap settings (see below) and start building![/li]
Snap settings:

MrCrolly's Architectural Rock Set
MrCrolly's Rock Set itself has many varieties. From Casual Stones, to Cobblestone walls, to Cliffside Construction all bundled together in a neat package. The set is also VERY well optimized, each rock with 3 LOD's going from 1500 to around 70 poly's. he really hopes you guys enjoy this set!
Download Link:
If you upload a track using these rocks, Credit to MrCrolly is required
There are some slight problems with the Cobblestone walls, the corner of one side is blurred as well as there are some color differences that can ruin the seamless effect. Simply fix these problems by flipping the wall around. Will be fixed when MrCrolly has the time.

Gerstlauer Family Coaster Custom Train by Jonny Richey
Jonny Has made a beautiful custom train model for use with NoLimits 2 and has graciously agreed to share it with the site as it was "Something [he] thought NL2 needed"
Download Link: ... stom-train
You can change the color of the train using the Color.nl2mat material.
The setup in this park file should show how to create the look of the track/station for the custom train.
Here are the SketchUp files for the cars, if anyone wants to add theming and/or textures to the train (a lot of Gerstlauer Family Coasters are customized). Just export to .dae (does not require pro), directly into your park base (.3ds does not retain the smoothness of the curves).
If you use Jonny's trains, Credit is encouraged (you should probably give him credit for suck a kickass job)
Zierer Star Shape by iSatnav & Bestdani
iSatnav and Bestdani have combined to create this awesome Zierer Star Shape flat ride!
Download Link:
Wild Mouse by Dusso Janladde
A simple Wild Mouse coaster. The track layout is a recreation of the standard Mack Wild Mouse model, but the supports are an original design since the more accurate lattice supports caused insurmountable clearance issues. It also has a new heavily optimized dispatch pattern, two cars are loaded and dispatched together, the second one waiting at a new block at the bottom of the lift. This results in smooth 8-car operation with an excellent capacity of 960 PPH. It was made to be the Dark Knight coaster in my Great Adventure recreation, the only difference in this standalone release is the new color scheme. Anyone is free to use this coaster in their park with credit given.
Download Link:
Recolorable Ferris Wheel Pack by Rctortigos74
"Pack of 4 recolorable ferris wheels made by me.
You are free to use it." - Rctortigos74
Download & Instructions Link: post407395.html#p407395
The Following section is for Works In Progress (WIP)
Any 3d file, flatride, script, cartexture, seed, etc. you're currently working on and need help with or advice will be hosted under this subsection. If you edit any works posted in this section, we ask that you give the original creator of the file credit (as you would simply be the editor of said file). In Tallon's words: "Lets get some modelers/scripters in here to sound off on what everyone is working on! No reason everyone needs to work on different versions of the same thing!"
TallonD83 Library Files
To start this section off, TallonD83 has graciously offered up a library of content including his BMTR recreation, all the cartexture templates he's made, as well as some unfinished flatrides as .skp files that are semi ready if you have sketchup and know how to script.
The Library can be found here:
Download Link: ... bcV6a?dl=0