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Tight Fit Spinning Coaster Contest- RESULTS POSTED

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Paradox User avatar

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Blase Rhine wrote:

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Blase Rhine User avatar

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Hahaha my bad! It's been fixed!
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I was super busy on Sunday with Real Life (catching up on school work) lol :lol:

I have already reviewed each track that has been submitted. I am now going back and actually judging each track based on the judging requirements.
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Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Sorry you have to check mine for clearances lol
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Blase Rhine User avatar

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Judging is now finished! The results are posted below!

NOTE: This contest was extremely hard to judge, all the submitted tracks were without a doubt amazing! Thank you to everyone who participated!


Creamsicle Swirl

A small time park is looking for a new coaster. Unfortunately, there tight on money and can???t afford to waste any space. Your job is to design the best spinning roller coaster you can.

-Must be a minimum of 1800 feet long: ??? (1825.912073 ft)
-Must be no more than 80 feet tall: ??? (61.226706 ft)
-Must reach a speed of at least 35 mph or higher: ??? (36.847312 mph)
-Must have at least one unique element: ??? (The First two turn)
-Must be able to run 3 or more trains: ??? (5 trains)
-Must use any of the three available spinning track styles: ??? (Maurer AG Spinning Coaster)
-Must pass clearance and E-Stop tests: (Roll Back after an E-Stop tests)

-Must not go underground: ???
-All track, and supports must stay within boundaries. This means you may not have a support half on/half off the boundaries. (Custom Scenery may go outside of boundaries): ???
-No inversions allowed. An inversion is any more than a 155 degree bank. ???
-Groups are allowed but only two people per group. ???
-Custom Content is allowed: Custom scenery, Custom Skyboxes, Colors, Terrain Alteration, Themes and Names are up the creator.
-You may only have 1 launch or 1 lift. If you have a launch you can NOT have a lift. If you have a lift you can NOT have a launch. ???
-Max launch speed is 50 mph. You may not go over. ???
-Max lift hill speed must be no less than 4 mph and no more than 7 mph. ???
-You are allowed to move the station to wherever you would like. This includes raising or lowering the height of it. ???
-Must have safe and comfortable G-Forces for the specific coaster type that you have chosen. (People can lose their heads or arms)
Conversion of Speeds
35 mph-56 km/h
4 mph- 6 km/h
7 mph- 11 km/h
50 mph- 80 km/h

*All projects must be submitted by midnight on June 5th.

You will be judged on the following:
-Realism (5/10)
-Use of Space (10/10)
-Uniqueness (7/10)
-Are the requirements met? (8.6/10)
-Overall Impression (Trackwork, Scenery, Colors, etc.) (5/10)

Final Mark: 7.42/10

Phantoms Revenge

A small time park is looking for a new coaster. Unfortunately, there tight on money and can???t afford to waste any space. Your job is to design the best spinning roller coaster you can.

-Must be a minimum of 1800 feet long: ??? (2009.33399 ft)
-Must be no more than 80 feet tall: ??? (71.88353 ft)
-Must reach a speed of at least 35 mph or higher: ??? (35.6 mph)
-Must have at least one unique element: ??? (Vertical Drop and Inclined Loop)
-Must be able to run 3 or more trains: ??? (5 trains)
-Must use any of the three available spinning track styles: ??? (Maurer AG Spinning Coaster)
-Must pass clearance and E-Stop tests:

-Must not go underground: ???
-All track, and supports must stay within boundaries. This means you may not have a support half on/half off the boundaries. (Custom Scenery may go outside of boundaries): ???
-No inversions allowed. An inversion is any more than a 155 degree bank. ???
-Groups are allowed but only two people per group. ???
-Custom Content is allowed: Custom scenery, Custom Skyboxes, Colors, Terrain Alteration, Themes and Names are up the creator.
-You may only have 1 launch or 1 lift. If you have a launch you can NOT have a lift. If you have a lift you can NOT have a launch. ???
-Max launch speed is 50 mph. You may not go over. ???
-Max lift hill speed must be no less than 4 mph and no more than 7 mph. ???
-You are allowed to move the station to wherever you would like. This includes raising or lowering the height of it. ???
-Must have safe and comfortable G-Forces for the specific coaster type that you have chosen. (rollback and crash)

Conversion of Speeds
35 mph-56 km/h
4 mph- 6 km/h
7 mph- 11 km/h
50 mph- 80 km/h

*All projects must be submitted by midnight on June 5th.

You will be judged on the following:
-Realism (5/10)
-Use of Space (8.5/10)
-Uniqueness (5/10)
-Are the requirements met? (8.6/10)
-Overall Impression (Trackwork, Scenery, Colors, etc.) (5.5/10)

Final Mark: 6.22/10

Spin Out

A small time park is looking for a new coaster. Unfortunately, there tight on money and can???t afford to waste any space. Your job is to design the best spinning roller coaster you can.

-Must be a minimum of 1800 feet long: ??? (1872.319554 ft)
-Must be no more than 80 feet tall: ??? (71.423228 ft)
-Must reach a speed of at least 35 mph or higher: ??? (34.423964 mph)
-Must have at least one unique element: ??? (Overbanked Horseshoe)
-Must be able to run 3 or more trains: ??? (5 trains)
-Must use any of the three available spinning track styles: ??? (Maurer AG Spinning Coaster)
-Must pass clearance and E-Stop tests: (one trains is blocked on the final brakes)

-Must not go underground: ???
-All track, and supports must stay within boundaries. This means you may not have a support half on/half off the boundaries. (Custom Scenery may go outside of boundaries): ???
-No inversions allowed. An inversion is any more than a 155 degree bank. ???
-Groups are allowed but only two people per group. ???
-Custom Content is allowed: Custom scenery, Custom Skyboxes, Colors, Terrain Alteration, Themes and Names are up the creator.
-You may only have 1 launch or 1 lift. If you have a launch you can NOT have a lift. If you have a lift you can NOT have a launch. ???
-Max launch speed is 50 mph. You may not go over. ???
-Max lift hill speed must be no less than 4 mph and no more than 7 mph. ???
-You are allowed to move the station to wherever you would like. This includes raising or lowering the height of it. ???
-Must have safe and comfortable G-Forces for the specific coaster type that you have chosen. (1.0 lat. G Forces at the end of the first horshoe)

Conversion of Speeds
35 mph-56 km/h
4 mph- 6 km/h
7 mph- 11 km/h
50 mph- 80 km/h

*All projects must be submitted by midnight on June 5th.

You will be judged on the following:
-Realism (8.5/10)
-Use of Space (10/10)
-Uniqueness (7.5/10)
-Are the requirements met? (8.8/10)
-Overall Impression (Trackwork, Scenery, Colors, etc.) (9/10)

Final Mark: 9.20/10

Swirling Fire

A small time park is looking for a new coaster. Unfortunately, there tight on money and can???t afford to waste any space. Your job is to design the best spinning roller coaster you can.

-Must be a minimum of 1800 feet long: ??? (1811.033465 ft)
-Must be no more than 80 feet tall: ??? (76.151247 ft)
-Must reach a speed of at least 35 mph or higher: ??? (39.146385 mph)
-Must have at least one unique element: ??? (80?? Stall)
-Must be able to run 3 or more trains: ??? (5 trains)
-Must use any of the three available spinning track styles: ??? (Maurer AG Spinning Coaster)
-Must pass clearance and E-Stop tests: ???

-Must not go underground: ???
-All track, and supports must stay within boundaries. This means you may not have a support half on/half off the boundaries. (Custom Scenery may go outside of boundaries): ???
-No inversions allowed. An inversion is any more than a 155 degree bank. ???
-Groups are allowed but only two people per group. ???
-Custom Content is allowed: Custom scenery, Custom Skyboxes, Colors, Terrain Alteration, Themes and Names are up the creator.
-You may only have 1 launch or 1 lift. If you have a launch you can NOT have a lift. If you have a lift you can NOT have a launch. ???
-Max launch speed is 50 mph. You may not go over. ???
-Max lift hill speed must be no less than 4 mph and no more than 7 mph. ???
-You are allowed to move the station to wherever you would like. This includes raising or lowering the height of it. ???
-Must have safe and comfortable G-Forces for the specific coaster type that you have chosen. (1.0 lat. G Forces at the end of the first horshoe)

Conversion of Speeds
35 mph-56 km/h
4 mph- 6 km/h
7 mph- 11 km/h
50 mph- 80 km/h

*All projects must be submitted by midnight on June 5th.

You will be judged on the following:
-Realism (6.5/10)
-Use of Space (9.75/10)
-Uniqueness (7.5/10)
-Are the requirements met? (10/10)
-Overall Impression (Trackwork, Scenery, Colors, etc.) (6/10)

Final Mark: 7.95/10

White Wolf

A small time park is looking for a new coaster. Unfortunately, there tight on money and can???t afford to waste any space. Your job is to design the best spinning roller coaster you can.

-Must be a minimum of 1800 feet long: ??? (1858.55315 ft)
-Must be no more than 80 feet tall: ??? (68.095801 ft)
-Must reach a speed of at least 35 mph or higher: ??? (43.309572)
-Must have at least one unique element: ??? (Nearly Vertical Drop and Overbanked Turn)
-Must be able to run 3 or more trains: ??? (5 trains)
-Must use any of the three available spinning track styles: ??? (Maurer Spinning Coaster)
-Must pass clearance and E-Stop tests: ???

-Must not go underground: ???
-All track, and supports must stay within boundaries. This means you may not have a support half on/half off the boundaries. (Custom Scenery may go outside of boundaries): ???
-No inversions allowed. An inversion is any more than a 155 degree bank. ???
-Groups are allowed but only two people per group. ???
-Custom Content is allowed: Custom scenery, Custom Skyboxes, Colors, Terrain Alteration, Themes and Names are up the creator.
-You may only have 1 launch or 1 lift. If you have a launch you can NOT have a lift. If you have a lift you can NOT have a launch. ???
-Max launch speed is 50 mph. You may not go over. ???
-Max lift hill speed must be no less than 4 mph and no more than 7 mph. ???
-You are allowed to move the station to wherever you would like. This includes raising or lowering the height of it. ???
-Must have safe and comfortable G-Forces for the specific coaster type that you have chosen. ???
Conversion of Speeds
35 mph-56 km/h
4 mph- 6 km/h
7 mph- 11 km/h
50 mph- 80 km/h

*All projects must be submitted by midnight on June 5th.

You will be judged on the following:
-Realism (9.1/10)
-Use of Space (10/10)
-Uniqueness (10/10)
-Are the requirements met? (10/10)
-Overall Impression (Trackwork, Scenery, Colors, etc.) (9.5/10)

Final Mark: 9.48/10

Crazy Mouse

A small time park is looking for a new coaster. Unfortunately, there tight on money and can???t afford to waste any space. Your job is to design the best spinning roller coaster you can.

-Must be a minimum of 1800 feet long: ??? (2028 ft)
-Must be no more than 80 feet tall: ??? (72.372047 ft)
-Must reach a speed of at least 35 mph or higher: ??? (43.309572)
-Must have at least one unique element: ??? (Vertical Drop and Inclined Loop)
-Must be able to run 3 or more trains: ??? (6 trains)
-Must use any of the three available spinning track styles: ??? (Zamperla Spinning Coaster)
-Must pass clearance and E-Stop tests: ???

-Must not go underground: ???
-All track, and supports must stay within boundaries. This means you may not have a support half on/half off the boundaries. (Custom Scenery may go outside of boundaries): ???
-No inversions allowed. An inversion is any more than a 155 degree bank. ???
-Groups are allowed but only two people per group. ???
-Custom Content is allowed: Custom scenery, Custom Skyboxes, Colors, Terrain Alteration, Themes and Names are up the creator.
-You may only have 1 launch or 1 lift. If you have a launch you can NOT have a lift. If you have a lift you can NOT have a launch. ???
-Max launch speed is 50 mph. You may not go over. ???
-Max lift hill speed must be no less than 4 mph and no more than 7 mph. ???
-You are allowed to move the station to wherever you would like. This includes raising or lowering the height of it. ???
-Must have safe and comfortable G-Forces for the specific coaster type that you have chosen. (1.0 lat. G Forces at the end of the first horshoe)

Conversion of Speeds
35 mph-56 km/h
4 mph- 6 km/h
7 mph- 11 km/h
50 mph- 80 km/h

*All projects must be submitted by midnight on June 5th.

You will be judged on the following:
-Realism (7/10)
-Use of Space (10/10)
-Uniqueness (8.5/10)
-Are the requirements met? (10/10)
-Overall Impression (Trackwork, Scenery, Colors, etc.) (9/10)

Final Mark: 9.25/10

Final Standings:

1st Place: White Wolf by Timmmvs with a score of 9.48

2nd Place: Crazy Mouse by Coasterkidmwm with a score of 9.25

3rd Place: Spin Out by Plantoris with a score of 9.2

Oscar will be distributing the points soon!
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Paradox User avatar

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Great job guys!
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Posts: 122
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Awesome, Thanks guys! It really was a difficult contest but I loved it!

mkingy User avatar

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Congrats guys! Glad I managed to get an entry in either way! Thanks for the competition blaze!
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Blase Rhine User avatar

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Not a problem at all! I am very glad everyone enjoyed participating in this Contest! Thank you all for the support! Can't wait for the next :lol: ;)
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Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Well, looks like I guessed wrong with G's lol.
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I cant believe I made 3rd! The other tracks were so good.


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