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I'm just wondering...

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Post November 24th, 2003, 4:16 pm

Posts: 21
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Why is it that every time I make a coaster, everyone bashes on it and says it's terrible? 1st off- Explosion was my favorite creation: People bashed on it saying it wasn't realistic. That's exactly why i put it as fantasy. They said all that power for one loop was bad: I think, and all my friends think, it looks cool. So what if there's no scenery... kinda like six flags lol.
2nd- Jurassic park, i thought, sucked. Everyone thought it was beter than explosion. b/s. Jurassic park is scenic, and it isn't as thrilling or as cool as explosion. People still thought this ride sucked. They said 2 lifts was "boring". Once again, b/s. Wouldn't you like to go on a coaster that lasted longer, therefore with 2 lifts?
3rd-My model of great bear was perfect, right down to the queue line. Everything was in the right place, and it was all good. Once again, you said it sucked *coughbardycough*. I hope you see that my creations are alot better than you think they are, and give the park you're working with a whole lot better.
If you think you can help put the score up on my coasters, feel free to say so. Not that i'll change them, anyways. You people got me p.o.ed on this site. I hope you're happy. It took weeks to make those coasters just right, and you bashed on them. Shame on you.

Post November 24th, 2003, 4:20 pm

Posts: 21
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this should be in the complaint department... sorry.

Post November 24th, 2003, 7:35 pm
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the purpose of uploading traks is to get other's opinions, which may be the same and may be different than yours. In this case they were different than yours which proves a point that you are not satisfying the people to the bone. Do they have a reason to bash you? I doubt it since they don't know and you never speak out, but today in the forums. So none should have a reason to bash you on purpose. It's probably a better idea to ask the people that rated you for more reasons of why they rated it the way they did. Second, you shouldn't be pist off at the site in general, I'm the site owner and never did anything so it feels like I did something wrong here but whatev that's besides the poin t. Ask them to explain themselves better by private messaging them or posting the questions you have about their rating in the appropiate forum directed to them. But as always, keep the cool and you'll get further ahead.

Post November 24th, 2003, 10:48 pm

Posts: 21
Points on hand: 2,937.00 Points
no, i'm sorry. i didn't mean i'm pist at the site... i meant i'm pist at the people who gave all three of my hard-worked roller coasters bad reviews. Now that i look back at it i sounded like a total a-hole and was arrogant.

Post November 25th, 2003, 2:37 am
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no apologies required, I understand what you are trying to say but it is hard to get everyone to think of your coaster as you do. You have to accept the opinions of others. You should also your the advertising board to get more attention to your coasters so more people can go ahead and rate them. I'll see if I can get a moderator or two to ride and rate your coasters to get a better, more detailed evaluation of them ok?

Post November 25th, 2003, 2:44 pm

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all of the coasters i have ever made using nolimits (3, none here yet) have stunk for various reasons. mostly i was posting because i thought certain aspects were interesting (such as artfully curved lift hills on woodies).

but people are more interested in seeing completely shaken out, polished, prettied-up and finished rides. i have seen a coaster on which the action portion of the ride was stunningly brilliant be totally bashed because the supports, final brakes, station and lift hill werent perfect. (it wasnt one of mine.) so be sure you have taken care of ALL the details.

i probably havent had look at your coasters yet, so i cant comment on specifics. these are just things to think about.

Post November 25th, 2003, 4:44 pm

Posts: 21
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i respect other people's opinions, but i thought my coasters were somewhat better than what people thuoght of them. i thought that the people were just bashing on me cause i was new... is this true?

Post November 25th, 2003, 4:50 pm
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Post November 26th, 2003, 2:17 am

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Not at all, some of us just prefer more polished up rides then some of the ones you uploaded.

Take a look at this, this is what we mean by polished... ... p?tid=1938

Post December 9th, 2003, 3:33 am

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Location: rijswijk, Netherlands
i agree i had the same thing happen to me....

i made a coaster in 8 houers sinds i got nl and my 2onde is comming out this week ( stil working on the surounding )....i made a coaster , and oke it had some foults , but i was pleased withe myself that it looked good and that i could manage that....

i made it a fantasy and stil peeps gave me a 0.5 and gave me crits that a coaster is not suposed to run upsideown etc. whi'lst the Gs can handel it....

in sted of giving me more advice and giving me boostup....

the strange thing is that almoast 40 peeps have downloaded it but only 2 have made sutch non constructive crits....

i can stand crits , but not if somebody tels you that the shape is wrong or something... tsss...

i think that new builders should not be compared to experts....

Post December 11th, 2003, 12:50 pm

Posts: 947
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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

no apologies required, I understand what you are trying to say but it is hard to get everyone to think of your coaster as you do. You have to accept the opinions of others. You should also your the advertising board to get more attention to your coasters so more people can go ahead and rate them. I'll see if I can get a moderator or two to ride and rate your coasters to get a better, more detailed evaluation of them ok?

wws asked me to rate these rides for you. I think Bardy's rating might be a bit too hard, but he is right with most of his comments. I made comments on your first three coasters and if you don't agree with my ratings either that's your choice. But I have seen and ridden thousands of coasters, so I think you should be more open to comments. Try to be criticise your own rides.
I almost started laughing when I read your first post, because trust me Great Bear really was horrible. About JP, two lifts also are used on real coasters but usually on mine trains. Big coasters like you've made never have a second lifthill because it let's the adrenaline go and it's quite expensive.
Also I don't believe you've spent weeks on those coasters. Because that's really the greatest bull I've ever heard. If you really spent that long on them, then I am curious what you've did in all that time. BTW, it's also quite strange you upload about 1 track every 2 or 3 days, so that says enough.
I'm not trying to bash you or something but you really have to listen to people's comments. You should stop being so positive about your own rides like: Oh! I made this, so it rocks! Because that's just not the way it goes.

So there's just three pieces of advice I have for ya:
  • Take people's comments serious

  • Spend more time on your coasters

  • Don't be so cocky about your own rides

I don't mean to be rude with any of the above, because if that was my intention I wouldn't have spend so much time on writing this and the comments on your coaster.

Post December 11th, 2003, 2:05 pm

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Don't worry, ChetCoasta, it just takes a little bit of time to get down the feel of the raters here. You need to put alot of time into making better coasters.

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