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RCT2 Question

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Post November 25th, 2003, 6:45 pm

Posts: 484
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Location: USA
Hey guys, I am still kinda new to this site, so please be nice to me if what I am asking is a pretty stupid mistake I am doing. Here it is. I have some RCT2 saved game files that I am trying to upload here but evry time I do it say, Error - invalid track file, it must be nltrack, smpark, hrc, hrp, csa, td6. I know what those all stand for, but I dont know why I get that all the time when other people are able to upload RCT2 saved games with no problem. Please tell me why. Thank You.

Post November 25th, 2003, 7:08 pm
Oscar User avatar
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put them in a zip file and then upload them [:p]

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