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Sonic Spinball Cars Collide at Alton Towers - 4 Injured

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Oscar User avatar
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It is being reported that Sonic Spinball located in Alton Towers had its cars collided. 1 man was taken to a local hospital with a head injury. 3 others were hurt and it is unknown the severity of the injuries at this time.

The accident was at slow speed as eye witnesses report that while one car was stopped, the other one came at it full speed, which in this case was basically the speed at what you walk at, and it hit from behind. Looks like some whiplash injuries.

This is not as serious as the accident on Smiler last month. Media outlets are blowing this out of proportion.

The man taken to the hospital is 36 years old and was later released. He was only sent to the hospital as a precaution. He'll be taking a day or 2 off work.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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This really is starting off to be a bad season for Alton Towers but I have faith that Merlin Entertainment will work out ALL of the bugs and get things back on the right track for this park! My thoughts and condolences go out to all who have been injured, regardless of the severity. I also would like to encourage the staff of the park to remain as positive as possible and keep their heads up during this rocky period.
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Just as a chip-in, it's definitely way overboard. Sonic Spinball cars nudge each other loads of time when exiting the break run and entering the station, most likely due to Maurer's excessively strong friction wheels. I've been in cars that have nudged before. I really feel for the park at this time as every minor incident, whether it be breakdown, evacuation or the like, is being scrutinised to no ends. Also, Tuesday was a very hot day in the UK so who's to say the sickness wasn't heat related? Sadly, a lot of the GP will believe the media. :/
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The media are becoming pretty irritating now. Air stopped on the lift for 20 minutes (this happens fairly often, maybe not for 20 minutes though) and the media immediately came out with the headlines "Riders trapped upside down for 2 hours on Air ride at Alton Towers".
We enthusiast's know that it's blown out of proportion but the GP are led to believe it. It's a real shame that every single breakdown/minor incident is immediately in the news and blown out of proportion.

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Yea this is starting to get annoying now.
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gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

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Just when Alton's image couldn't get any worse, this happens and now the media is going to destroy them because of it. The GP will start to think "Alton isn't safe anymore so I won't go" just because of the media's ignorance. Though the accident wasn't as serious as the Smiler, it may as well have been in the eyes of the GP and the media
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Jonny Richey wrote:

She should ban the poltergeist back into Hex. :lol:
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"In the episode, presenter Yvette Fielding, 46, was pelted with stones by a ghost who allegedly told them to ???f*** off???, the Star reports." This line was brilliant :lol:

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Yeah as for Sonic's case, take that humorously, not seriously like the media do. :) Completely different from Smiler's ( :( ) which is still giving us a lot of shock.
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