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[NL2] Six Flags Great Adventure: A Collaborative Recreation

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Now that my newest park is done, I'd be willing to take Nirto if no one has already claimed it... :D
-DechLave T.P Ent.

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^ Someone else tried to grab it, but never responded, so it's yours if you want it!

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^Awesome, I've actually started working on a rough draft now!
-DechLave T.P Ent.

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So, this is what I've gotten so far for Nitro's track work... ***BE ADVISED*** I am NOT by any means presenting this as a final product, this is simply a rough draft of the layout!




-DechLave T.P Ent.

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Nice starting layout! Already looks better than any other recreation in NL1!

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I assume that 2nd hill with a curved drop to the left, is really difficult to replicate! :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

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TTD03 wrote:
Should the recreation of Batman go, BACKWARDS, from July 4- September ish?


Namtab! I'll keep it this way while the actual ride is running.

Swashbuckler and Big Wheel. These are the stock rides included with NL2, so they're not entirely accurate. Still better than nothing, though.

cool5 wrote:
This song We Like To Party is much better that that other version.

Remember this iconic Six Flags commercial? The song Mr. Six dances to is We Like To Party by the Venga Boys, and as a result it sort of became the unofficial theme song of Six Flags. That's why it, and not a Beyonce song, is playing at the entrance:

Music players (Venga Boys - We Like To Party) at the entrance, main street, and fountain area. They're located at the edges of buildings where there could actually be speakers, and will be hidden once the buildings are in place.

Park updated on Google Drive and Dropbox.

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Mkj332 wrote:
Added some 3ds to polish up El Diablo



Looking really good! Feel free to submit anything you've finished, or add it to the main park yourself and send it back to me.

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Major progress on Kingda Ka's station...

All the handrails are metal now. Lots of balusters (the vertical parts of handrails) in place. Still lots more to go! This is where the queue enters and splits.

More balusters and a support for the landing on the other side.

Progress on balusters for the exit stairs.

The biggest new addition: Loading operator control panels and safety zones!

This is where the most work still needs to be done. The control booth still needs a roof, walls, and especially stairs.

Yes, it's built entirely from supports. It will be integrated into the master park file when it's done, but it still has a ways to go.

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Damn that's some impressive support work! Gonna look great when you finish the last few details and landscaping.

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looks like it has a really solid beginning! awesome!

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Small request, I may or may not be visiting the park again soon, but if anyone stops by this week perhaps grab a few shots of the newly modified restaurant in the plaza del carnaval? I could also benefit from shots of the games, restroom and white/ red food building. I use the pictures for my sketchup objects by taking the signs out. Appreciated

Finally placed this down.


Let's Tango!




I'm a handful of buildings away from finishing up the plaza. Like i said, I need to do the games building, restroom, ice cream shop, gift stand, and both food service locations including the newly modified cocina. I'll continue to work on Toro along the way but that's where most of my issues with shaping have left me a bit stagnant. Hopefully within a few weeks this can be submitted to the project. I'll have to make an organized folder of nlsco objects as well.

Also looking for testers if anyone with ride experience is interested.

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What's this? New stairs in the middle of Ka's station? You know what this means...

Yes, the control booth is finally complete, along with its access stairs and the decorative beams above the booth!

At this point, all that's left to do is add all the rest of the balusters to the handrails. When that's done, the station will be ready for adding to the main park!

...and PDC is looking REALLY good!

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I was there on the 3rd, that restaurant was still very much under construction. I'd just wait.

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^^ I made it but it's unscripted.

As for the restaurant,I actually found a recent trip report with good photos showing it near completion so I may start off with it using those and add details such as signs when it's done.

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Superman is still being worked on! I should have an update sometime next week for you all.
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^ Such minor details go with the guest's satisfaction at a park. :)
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

TTD03 User avatar
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Really solid stuff guys, and as I said on NLE, the shaping of Diablo looks a bit off. Kinda like the loop is not large enough, or circular. Take a look at the Code Masters version, I can't remember if it was better or not.

And DechLave. Looks like you and another person are both working on Nitro, maybe you two can butt heads and work on it together! As for how this happened, I have no clue. Here's the link to what he has said he has done on NLE. His username is hukk. ... =1#Item_39

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The rail itself is too thick. That's why the ring looks smaller. The edges could be a bit less jagged. It's always something I could look at in the future if I feel like polishing it.

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Sorry for the double post but does anybody have good experience with using overlays? It looks like my coaster matches fairly well, and so does the length. However it is apparent that my airtime hills are too spread out so I want to figure out how to fix it.

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I'm here!

To answer your question, overlays are good to use but they create a height distortion. With that being said you must make sure you eye your coaster's elements so that they best match the actual ride as well as the overlay. I recommend that if you can find blueprints or such and size it correctly, to use that. If not, then just make sure you have a good eye. Height distortion can make your coaster way off in shaping.

This is why Superman is taking so long, I am using overlays and I have to make sure the heartline is custom due to the final roll element.

Hope this helps! Good luck!
Sometimes I dream of unicorns and oreos


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