After contemplating many ideas for a new Nolimits 2 Coaster, I finally came up with a design I really enjoy. The main idea was to make something with similarity to Helix, but to be longer, faster and to have more variety in speeds and thrill. After 5+ hours of continuous work on this new design, I have finally came up with what I call 'Dingonek'. Dingonek is a face paced Multi-launch Mack Coaster, with inspiration from Helix, Cheetah Hunt and previous designs.
Dingonek Definition
The dingonek is a scaly, scorpion-tailed, saber-toothed cryptid allegedly seen in the African Congolese jungles (primarily those of the Democratic Republic), and yet another in a long line of West African cryptids???such as the Chipekwe, the Jago-nini and the Emela-ntouka. At the Brakfontein ridge, Western Cape in South Africa is a cave painting of an unknown creature that fits the description of the dingonek, right down to its walrus-like tusks.
Overview of layout
- Nine Inversions.
- Three Helix's.
- Track Length = 6262 ft.
- Max Height = 179 ft.
Element Layout
- Diveloop
- Norwegian Loop
- Three Launches
- Three Zero G Rolls
- Double G roll
- Zero G loop
- Three S Turns
- 'Cheetah Hunt' Section.
- Wave Rider Element
Beauty Shots
Wave Rider Element
Layout Overview
Zero G loop and Norwegian Loop
Layout Overview + Cheetah Hunt Section
Double G Roll (If anyone has a proper name please inform me)
Prelaunch Section
Close Shot
Track Layout
Side Notes
In terms of scenery, all the trees will be replaced and changed up. this will be a Foilage park more than anything, similar to how Elemental was.
For those wondering about my part on Project Xibalba, this is only a side project until more work for me arrives for Xibalba, Stay tuned for more updates on this post!