dcs221 wrote:
CoasterGuy2000, without being 100%, I'm pretty certain that information is incorrect. Again, just because you can't really see the heartline doesn't mean it isn't heartlined. There's almost no way to tell if there isn't a lot of banking, and some areas look a little different than what might be expected since it's inverted.
Also as a suggestion, careful with how you present arguments. I consider myself to be someone who knows a lot about coaster design, at least as it relates to No Limits...in real life that means nothing, but at least it counts for something here...but notice that I phrased my last post about heartlining to show I didn't know 100%. A lot of people on these coaster sites say things I know are untrue, and their diction suggests otherwise. Then people start to repeat these things, incorporate these inaccurate notes into their designs, etc. It goes downhill pretty quick, and I've seen it all the time since I started NL in 2003. Sooo unless you've seen something from B&M I suggest not writing as if you know for certain.
Not a huge deal, I'm sure I make the same mistake sometimes. Just a thought.
Ok. First off, I feel I should apologize for what I said before. It was stupid and arrogant to act like that. I should've found proof that it was true (Or false) before posting anything. So that's what I have done know. As I was working on the recreation itself (First round of trackwork is fully complete, expect and update sometime this week) I decided to not pay attention to heartlining to much. Instead I made sure the track followed the overlay as closely as possible. It was designed with the heartline on because its easier to take it out than put it in. Anyway, as you can see in the picture below,(Transition from helix to the turn into the brake run. Same area as the picture as before.) the heartline (yellow Line) banks moves around the track while the track remains in a straight line.

This shows that it is in fact, not heartlined. If it was it'd look something like this

Notice how in this, the heartline stays relatively straight (The curve is do to this being a quick example) and the track bends around it.
Of course, that could just mean that I designed it incorrectly, but I think it's correct. If not could someone please point that out to me so I can fix it and check again. (P.S. There are other places you can see this but this is just an easier example.)
All hail your great Arrow Dynamics overlords.