F??chschen @ nolimits-exchange.com wrote:

Yes, thats right! the Nolimits-Fox is back with another cool concept!

Whats 360?? all about?
Its a relative new feature of Youtube, where you can rotate the camera around like you do in Nolimits 1 and 2.
Im not sure, if this feature gets turned down at some point, so i try to make as many movies as possible.
How to use:
You cant use the 360-feature in an embedded video. You need an actual URL to the youtube page.
When the video loads, you'll see something like a "D-Pad" in the left upper cornor.
This controls the camera. On some browsers, you can also drag&drop to rotate the screen.
Version 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAUdWye5TkY
info: This is just an prototype.
A low resolution video to see if it actual works.
A newer version is already in the breach!
Can you release the code, you used?
Sadly i cant. But i could create a tutorial, how to create this with other commercial tools.
Yes, you may have to buy them. Or someone knows a free-version that can create spherical images.
Can i upload any 360 video to youtube and it works?
Yes and No.
It only works with spherical images like this one:
<img src="www.flash-fox.de/s/pano_s.jpg" width=30% height=30%></img>
After that, you simply download a tool, that changes the Meta-Data of your clip.
Here is the google help page with some usefull informations: