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On way to GAdv, any requests?

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Post September 1st, 2015, 9:46 am

Posts: 274
Points on hand: 2,475.00 Points
Heading down for a short trip to Great Adventure as we speak, so I thought I'd check if anyone has any photo or scouting requests.

That is all.

Post September 1st, 2015, 10:43 am

Posts: 1936
Points on hand: 4,800.70 Points
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Location: New Jersey, USA

Could you get some photos of the demolition going on by the lakefront? I may or may not be going today to take them myself but you know, just in case ;) . Have fun!
It's been a long time
Youtube Channel:

Post September 1st, 2015, 10:48 am

Posts: 274
Points on hand: 2,475.00 Points
For sure! Figured someone would want that. No idea how closed off it will be but I'll do my best.

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