I said the same thing. "Why do I keep feeling like calling this Chang?" and mentioned at one point that they must've gotten lazy and left that piece unpainted from Change.
...3rd and final part of the tour...
Kingda Ka:

- Fun fact, when you stand right next to these, and they lower... it is very loud.

- TTD03 attempts to get the best shot... or the sun is in his eyes

- Zumanjaro

- Side view...

- Wiring...

- Rear view...

- Someone forgot to tell Intamin that Kingda Ka goes 128mph... or maybe that's why this is inside the locked computer room.

- Took a rest. Looked up and went "I see a photo opportunity"
Side trip... Safari:

- The most popular part of the trip... not shown: everyone taking photos of the Lamas (Lama Glama), and the Lamas grouping together for protection from the wild animals known as "enthusiasts"

- Baboon...

- Ah. The baboons found part of the Great American Scream Machine.

- Here is a good picture... of me taking a picture of someone else taking a picture of someone taking a picture of Bizarro.

- The second of two working phones.
Tour ended:

- Tour ended... classic picture.
Post lunch:

- We got to see a "Magic Show". It was more show then magic.
I turned the corner after the show and when I went back, everyone was gone. So I proceeded to wonder the park. I hadn't been there since 2010. I got this photo before my phone died. It was 6:09PM, I had taken 210 photos (the good ones shown in the posts), and I had until 10PM before the next event... here's El Toro
I enjoyed it greatly, but not only was I dead tired by 1PM (walking tour started at 11AM), but I (frustratingly) started to become nauseas and couldn't bring myself to wait more then 30 min for a ride. The two combined meant I only really walked around. I got on Runaway Mine Train since it had no line, and Bizarro which had a 20-30 min line. Had some chicken nuggets and fries while watching men attempt to hide an atomic wedgie after riding Green Lantern. Grabbed some Dippin Dots (What? It's not like you can really get them outside of a theme park, and it's only an occasional thing at that). Then off to Nitro ERT at 10PM. I got in 3 of 7 rides in before I felt nauseas again

(they ran 3 trains, the first train which myself, TTD03, and others were on ran 7 times while the others ran 6 times). The operator's favorite train was train 3 which had 4 people on it, and they only rode in the last car, except for one ride when they were in the front. Said goodbye to everyone, walked past the lost and found where presumably we saw something that one of them lost (maybe the wig...), and went home.
Worth it.