14th August 2015 - Flight to Italy, Leolandia and Luna Park IdroscalaAfter years of waiting. Finally back to Italy. My last visits date back to 2005 and 2007. In that time there have been put plenty of new rides. But also plenty of old experiences to renew!

This time we were joining along the ECC on their bootifull trip through the entire country. Since we couldn't match on the trip flight, we flew in a day early. Great way to pick a few more parks in the area that the ECC wasn't going to hit.

Too bad I completely forgot my proper camera at home. So the biggest bunch of photo's have been taken with my mobile.
Our flight left early to Milan. Luckily it's a less than 2 hour flight or so.
At the airport the first thing we've arranged was an Italian Simcard with data and a rental car. As quick it was said, as quick it was done. Too bad they can't even park a car at the rental car office. This was a challenge to get in!

About half an hour drive later, we arrived at the first park. Leolandia. The entrance looks good for a start.
It was a pretty cloudy but humid day. So those sprinklers were a great way too cool down!
Spotted the first coaster, it was one of those small Zamperla coasters.
Let's get this over with, these rides are usually pretty rough.
Smooth helix, only to die few seconds later on those transitions

Heading for the next coaster in sight was a spinning Zamperla. Apparently the ride broke down or so and the ride ops signed us something about coming back later. A bit of a bummer but we had plenty of time left.
Right next to coaster was this fun little shot 'n drop tower. Not very intense but it was a lot of fun. Had a cool theme as well. The entire area was some kind of circus theme and this was themed to a human cannonball.
We continued our walk to the other side of the park. Walking straight into some kind of western themed area.
For another coaster, this time it was a powered Zamperla!
It was a pretty fun one as well with some good speed throughout the ride.
It curls around the log flume as well. I haven't seen it happening but with some good timing I can see people getting wet due the splash

This little rapids ride looked interesting. Especially that drop!
Time to give it as spin! This ride was fully themed to the crazy contraptions from Leonardo Da Vinci.
Well, this is definitely one that can be added to that list. The drop spins like crazy making the splash soak a bunch of riders.

The park also had a very nice themed splash battle.
And a bunch more Zamperla rides like this standing rotating surfboard ride.
Back to the spinning. At least now it was operating again.

Drops and spinning was disappointing. Even with a proper weight distribution for a good spin it barely spun round.
The park also had one of those disk'o rides. I didn't bother to ride this one, but it's pretty funky to see the huge track with just that small disk.

The best surprise from this park was the complete miniature version of Italy and all their sightseeing spots. That was pretty awesome to see.

If I remember it correctly I think this was one of the spots from Torino.
The famous cathedral from Milan.
The alps were recreated pretty nicely as well!

Even though we are going there. I've already done my tourist thingy~

Vatican City
The park also had a "zoo". Well, it was more a huge bunch of bird cages with a lot of different breeds of parrots.
Oh, and they also had some sort of petting zoo area with chickens and goats.

That was it so far for us in this park. Was a pretty cool little park to start of the trip with. It did contain a bunch of Zamperla rides but the theming was done very nicely.

After a bit of resting in the hotel and eating some pizza delivery it was time for us to continue our journey to the rusted down Luna Park near our hotel.
It certainly did change a lot since our last visit in 2007. Back then it was a few carnival rides on a dirt floor and one little cabinet for tickets.
We started off at the biggest coaster of the park. This crazy interpark wild mouse coaster.
The layout certainly looks completely different than any other wild mouse. This could be a fun surprise!
But too bad it wasn't. Very rough on the cornering and even the banked turns were taken terrible.

At least I've had my good laugh for the day!
Hmmm... I remember I've seen this one traveling around the German fairs. Apparently it's been sold? Program they ran was pretty rubbish, so I didn't bother to waste money on this.
Cool, the swinging ship with cages is still there!
This haunted house looks a lot better on the outside than on the inside. Too bad this is the case with about 95% of the exisiting ghost trains.
The swing bob looked like it gave a nice ride away.
But first, another big apple. Because it's not like Italy doesn't has any of these.
The park has a nice collection of rides and even games.
Cool, a chairswing with a ball with some kind of trophy attached. If you can grab it during the ride you'll get another ride for free.

Never seen it before on this type of ride.
Another one of those haunted walkthroughs that shamely looked more than it was.
And then I gave another look at the decorations of the wild mouse. Sooo many pictures of rides we know

Hmmm... I'm pretty sure this ride animation looks familliar

Or how about this one?

Wait, did they just modify a Huss Condor to make a star flyer? What a shame of a good ride.
This frisbee ride looked good. Until it started to run. Omg, even more rubbish. Took forever to get it on decent height only to be over shortly after.
Pok??mon, Dragonball Z. It's everywhere!

Another picture of this crazy wild mouse. A bit smoother layout would make this a pretty fun one.
And suddenly there is the Norwegian group from the ECC that are doing the tour as well. I didn't expect them to be here. But then again, I should have.

They have been touring for about 2 weeks around Italy, Swiss and Austria. And that's just prior the trip!
And the last picture of the day.
This was a brilliant day and there are plenty more to come.