For 13 years, the New Mexico Rattler has entertained guests and taken them on the wildest ride in New Mexico. As of recently, however, the ride has become rough and difficult to maintain. Cliff's Amusement Park, home of NMR, has done their research into wooden coaster restoration, re-tracking, re-profiling, and complete overhaul, and after doing a cost-benefit analysis have decided to contract the Rocky Mountain Construction Company to come in and completely re-design the coaster. As this is a family park and doesn't have the kind of big bucks that chain amusement parks have, they've decided to cut a low-budget deal. RMC will allow you, their interns, to re-design the coaster given the restrictions of space and clearance. The final layout designs will be presented to the heads of Cliff's Amusement Park and they will select the layout they believe best fits their park.

Brown: Station
Green: Lift
Yellow: Minimum Height Requirement
Purple: Max Height Requirement-(track+tunnel must be beneath these 3 planes)
Light Blue: Build Area Outline/Height Boundary (Top of track, not handrails)
Red: No Build Zone
Dark Blue: Brakes
-Must use all leftover footers/supports.
-Must have at least two unique elements. Unique elements are elements that have are unique to the RMC coaster style.
-Must be able to run 2 trains on the track. There must be at least 1 storage track.
-Must use one of the wooden coaster styles.
-Must pass clearance and E-Stop tests.
-Must have at least 1 inversion. An inversion is classified as any banking with more than 155 degrees.
-Must not be over 120 feet tall. (Measured from the top of the frozen track, not the catwalks or handrails)
-Must have at least 1 underground tunnel.
-Custom Content is allowed: Custom scenery, Custom Skyboxes, Colors, Terrain Alteration, Themes and Names are up the creator.
-You may have a launch. If you use a launch then there can NOT be a lift. Vice versa. Only 1 launch.
-Must have safe and comfortable G-Forces for an RMC coaster: Forces to generally stay between +4.5 to -1.1, +/-1.2 laterals - although raters discretion may be used for minor spikes and combinations of high positives followed by high negatives.
-You can use FVD or Newton if needed.
-You can use the custom RMC rails/The Code Masters RMC trains if you would like. It will add to overall impression.
-This is NOT a collaborative contest. Therefore all work (excluding custom env, terrain, scenery packs, etc.) must be completed by the user who submits there design.
Conversion of speeds:
5 mph- 8.1 km/h
9 mph- 14 km/h
50 mph- 80 km/h
--km/h have only been provided for convenience - all speeds will be measured in mph.
*All projects must be submitted by November 8th.
You will be judged on the following:
-Use of existing supports
-Are the requirements met?
-Overall Impression (Trackwork, Scenery, Colors, etc.)
1st Place: 10,000 points as well as a spotlight on CC.
2nd Place: 7,500 points
3rd Place: 5,000 points
-Submissions must be uploaded to Coaster Crazy as a Package File or they will not be judged. Please do not password your creations as we will need to unpackage any tracks to judge fairly.
-Just a small update on when uploading your track when you are finished. Please name the track
-Also if you are using custom scenery packs (example. TheCodeMasters RMC trains and rails) Please be sure to list the credits below and lastly please list your 2 unique elements in the track description along with a short (could be a sentence or a paragraph) summary of your ride. Thank you!
-If you have any questions concerning rules or requirements feel free to PM me.
Remember you MUST use the existing support boxes provided in the template. You are more than welcome to copy and paste the supports as well. Good luck to all contestants!
Feel free to post about your creation as well. We are all eager to see what you are creating!
jdmi012- Disqualified
TheCodeMaster- Disqualified
CKidd- Dropped Out
highthrills2- Disqualified
slosprint- Dropped Out
CoasterGuy2000- Uploaded
Her0ofLime- Uploaded
Coasterkidmwm- Disqualified
zacattack1104- Disqualified
The_Coaster_Team- Uploaded
changa- Uploaded
coasterdude2001- Uploaded
tip-of-the-hatt- Disqualified
TheCoasterMan589- Disqualified
Coaster Hero- Disqualified
Fullthrottle25- Disqualified
afro85- Uploaded
King_Nelly- Disqualified
FuriousHornet- Uploaded
mkingy- Uploaded
rcdude- Uploaded
BlaseRhine- Head Judge and Overseer
Metazoanhaddock- Support and Trackwork Judge
Titanrocks01-Operations and Safety Judge