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Dorney Park: 2016 Plans?

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

Post October 7th, 2015, 3:44 pm
TTD03 User avatar
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Screen shot 2015-10-05 at 6.42.12 PM.png
Screen shot 2015-10-05 at 6.42.12 PM.png (291.44 KiB) Viewed 1309 times

We've finally got some news on Dorney Park's plans for 2016, though it doesn't have anything to do with a shiny new ride.

The park is going to the local planning commission to gain approval to tear out the existing go-kart track that is located under Steel Force's lake-adjacent turnaround. Replacing the go-kart track (of note is that the go-karts have been closed for several years) in the 1.91 acre construction area will be a new catering facility.

The development is planned to include two new pavilions and a food preparation building. The aerial of the park above shows the space of the go-karts; Steel Force cuts directly through it so positioning the new buildings may be tricky.

Hopefully the nice design aesthetic of Cedar Point's new Lakeside Pavilion catering facility will be used in these plans as well, since they are also technically "lakeside" as well.

Dorney Park has a good deal of additional catering pavilions spread across the park, so perhaps this addition will allow the redevelopment of a couple of those? Pure speculation on my part.

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