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Which Type Of Friend Is Your ...

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Post December 17th, 2003, 4:51 am

Posts: 4
Points on hand: 2,554.00 Points
HARD-DISK woman/Man: She/He remembers everything, FOREVER.

RAM woman: She forgets about you the moment you turn her off.

WINDOWS woman/Man: Everyone knows that she/He can't do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

EXCEL woman/Man: They say she/He can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for your four basic needs.

SCREENSAVER woman/Man: She/He is good for nothing but at least she is fun!

INTERNET woman/man: Difficult to access. // Everybody will access!!

SERVER woman/man: Always busy when you need her/him.

MULTIMEDIA woman: She makes horrible things look beautiful.

CD-ROM woman: She is always faster and faster.

E-MAIL woman/man: Every ten things she/he says, eight are nonsense.

VIRUS woman: Also known as "wife"; when you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything

Post December 17th, 2003, 8:20 am

Posts: 4138
Points on hand: 3,307.00 Points
Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Post December 21st, 2003, 3:57 am

Posts: 4
Points on hand: 2,554.00 Points
treat a girl like a SCREENSAVER until she graduates to EXCEL. Dealt with a few WINDOWS & HARD DISKS. Luckily you will be able to dodge all VIRUSES. INTERNETS get used like they are (to get free shyt). Every girl you've encountered has been an EMAIL.

Post December 22nd, 2003, 4:18 pm

Posts: 361
Points on hand: 4,774.00 Points
Location: Cleveland, Richmond Heights, OH, USA

i think that's pretty funny. I think the virus one is epecially funny and the e-mail one that how many people are. [lol]

Post December 22nd, 2003, 5:53 pm

Posts: 305
Points on hand: 1,968.00 Points
Location: Louisiana, USA

my ex-wife could fit a few of these
she was: 1: hard disk - never let me forget crap and always could bring it up at the right moment
2: she was email b/c she always had something to say about everything but never really was worth listening too
3: most of all she was a VIRUS, she embedded herself in me and couldn't get rid of it for the life of me lol

Post December 22nd, 2003, 6:11 pm

Posts: 1140
Points on hand: 4,530.00 Points
Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA, USA

Post December 22nd, 2003, 7:55 pm

Posts: 332
Points on hand: 4,463.00 Points
Location: Brookpark, OH, OH, USA

Computer woman: the more you spend on her, the better she gets.

Post December 22nd, 2003, 8:22 pm

Posts: 4533
Points on hand: 3,318.00 Points
Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

woman = computers, after a couple of months a better one comes along that you must have

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