Hello all, it's that time of year again! Before I embark on this slightly stressful yet rewarding project once more, you know the drill... answer the question!
What were some of your favorite creations this year?
What were some of your favorite creations this year?
There's too many for me to pick from alone, so I'll need you guys' help! Anything from January 1, 2015 to the last day of this year is fair game. I don't plan on releasing the video until January - it takes a much larger amount of effort for a multi-coaster project like this. My last NoLimits video (of any kind) was way back in February, which happened to be last year's 2014 video. So I've been slacking, and it's time to pick it up again. I plan on implementing 60 fps this time and covering some of the new and exciting things this year has brought upon us. Think of rides way back to the beginning of the year if you can! What stood out to you? What had some epic scenery or did something completely new with scripting? Sifting through YouTube roundups will help, but try to think of other examples on Steam or your very own exchange! I am all ears for ideas and I will check each and every one of your suggestions. Given school and such, I've not been very active on CC or NLE, so this is why I need your help!
I believe this year had numerous knockout hits for the game, so depending on how many there are I may have to make quite a lengthy video. That means I need to get started now before I fall behind like last year.