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Ventura World

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post October 27th, 2015, 8:10 am

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Hey guys! :D

Ever since I finished Trailblazer Park, I've always wanted to make a new park in NL2 that was more than "just" a series of unreleased coasters plus one new ride. So after finishing my last project, Lawin, (btw I am so sorry I have not uploaded that ride to CoasterCrazy; every single time I try to upload that ride here I always encounter an error which stops me from finishing the uploading process!) I began work on a series of coasters (which you may have seen before on the "What are YOU doing in NL2 Right now?" thread) which I planned to compile into one big park project. And this is the park -- Ventura World!

Ventura World is an amusement park which (in a fictional reality) opened in 2005 with two coasters. Over the years, it's expanded and is now known the world over to have one of the best "small" collections of roller coasters in any amusement park. Let's get started and discover these roller coasters!


1.) Armada

Armada is one of the coasters that opened with Ventura World in 2005. It's a Custom Family Coaster from Vekoma full of fun elements such as helices, airtime hills, S-turns, some close calls, and above all, a certain element that adds more to the fun factor but is sure to take riders by surprise.








2.) Taurus

Another coaster that opened with the park in 2005. Taurus is an Intamin Prefabricated Wooden Coaster that features one of the steepest wooden coaster drops in the world. It's a smooth but intense ride experience that not only delivers in airtime, but also in speed! Watch out for the hidden triple airtime hill finale, as well as the rogue airtime hill in the middle of the layout that delivers up to -1.5G in the front and back rows!









3.) Aquarius

Aquarius opened in 2008 as Ventura World's third roller coaster. It's an Intamin LSM Launch Coaster which is divided into two short but forceful sections! Most coaster enthusiasts who ride Aquarius tend to compare the ride to the slightly similar Atlantis Adventure at Lotte World, except Aquarius seems to have a more intense layout.











4.) Firebird

Firebird opened in 2012 as the fourth roller coaster at Ventura World. Along with the smaller inverted coaster OzIris at Parc Asterix, which opened in the same year, Firebird was one of the first B&M looping coasters ever built to have a curving drop without a pre-drop section. It is widely known among the coaster enthusiast community to be one of the most forceful coasters B&M has put out post-2000!










5.) ???

In 2014, Ventura World announced that it would be building its fifth roller coaster in 2016. Little is known about this new roller coaster, except that it will be "massive" and will be "unlike anything the world has ever seen". Currently, speculation and rumors seem to point towards a B&M Mega Coaster -- either the world's largest hypercoaster, or a B&M Giga like Fury 325 -- but no one is certain at this point what Ventura World's 2016 roller coaster will actually be.

As you can see, there is much work to be done, though at least the coaster trackwork is final. Let me know what you guys think so far!
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post October 27th, 2015, 10:15 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Did you heartline the B&M and the family coaster?
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post October 27th, 2015, 5:25 pm

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Yes, all the rides are heartlined. Though the barrel roll on Armada doesn't seem to be because I designed that element with forces and not geometry, I've made sure that all the rides have been exported to NL2 with track rotation around the heartline enabled.
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post October 27th, 2015, 5:30 pm

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Is it me or does it seem kinda weird for a family coaster to have a barrel roll? I guess you gotta train em somehow.

Post October 27th, 2015, 5:39 pm

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SkyArrow wrote:
I guess you gotta train em somehow.

That's essentially the reason I put a surprise barrel roll there. :P I also plan on hiding that barrel roll from visitors' sight; hopefully I do that correctly!
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post October 27th, 2015, 5:48 pm
Turbo User avatar

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Interesting rides. Any plan on the park layout?
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post October 27th, 2015, 6:02 pm

Posts: 730
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Location: Philippines
Thanks! :) Right now the plan for the park is to have some of the in-game rides in the middle, like the Ferris wheel, observation tower and shot towers. However, right now the objectives are coasters first, scenery / theming next (especially because I need to finish the terrain for Firebird as well as Coaster #5 to make sure the scenery I'll add will turn out alright).
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post October 28th, 2015, 10:37 am

Posts: 8144
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It's really awesome that Firebird enters the Zero-G-Roll (contains moderate lateral action) from the steep dive drop like Banshee (Oziris has a similar effect, too, just as you say here.)

-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post October 28th, 2015, 8:54 pm

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Location: Philippines
lol240: Thanks :D I thought it would result in a really cool sensation to begin the ride with a Banshee-like drop directly into a 0G roll.

Thanks for posting feedback, everyone! I appreciate that people are commenting on my work. :D


29th October Update: Aquarius' Supports and Dispatch Timing

I've finished the supports for Aquarius' first half! Most are regular Intamin A-shape or straight supports. The top hat supports were modeled after the supports for iSpeed's top hat, while the elevated turnaround supports were modeled after Atlantis Adventure's supports on a similar section of track.






Meanwhile, I've also modified Aquarius' dispatch timing so that as one train crests the large airtime hill after the second launch, another train is cresting the top hat after the first launch. In addition to that, the dispatch timing also results in a cool-looking train flyby!





mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post October 29th, 2015, 3:24 pm
Turbo User avatar

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camelback before second launch needs more z axis bracing, but beyond that looks good :) working fast I see
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post October 30th, 2015, 5:12 am

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Location: Philippines
Thanks :) I'm maximizing the amount of time I have off; I've probably got a little less than a week to work nonstop on this project before school makes my work load pile up again.


30th October Update: Aquarius Completed; First Hint for Coaster #5

I've fixed the camelback supports, and finally finished the supports for Aquarius! Now time to work on Taurus' supports. (Making wooden supports is going to be a pain for me. :P)






Also, to celebrate the completion of Aquarius, here's a little hint as to what kind of ride the fifth coaster for Ventura World will be. (I'll release the complete details once I finish the supports for Firebird!)


This isn't really too obscure of a hint (at least I hope it isn't, because I'm sure there are at least some people around here who know what I'm talking about :P). If you know what I'm talking about, it won't be difficult to find out what the coaster will be!
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post November 2nd, 2015, 8:39 am

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Location: Philippines
2nd November Update: Taurus Crossovers; Firebird Supporting Begins; 2nd Hint for Coaster #5

Taurus is essentially completed now, and unfortunately, I will not be custom supporting it after all. I know I said I would be supporting that one, but I simply will not have the time to do that. I have custom supported two woodies of mine before, but I have lost the amount of time needed to do that. I do want to finish this project of mine, after all. :P Nevertheless, I've added some basic steel reinforcements along Taurus' crossovers.




Meanwhile, I have begun supporting Firebird. I've completed the box supports for the "loop" elements of the ride, and I've also finished the supporting of the ride up to the first drop (including flanges). I know that inverts do not normally do that thing Kumba or Nitro does (with the slanted supports on the lift hill), but that's really the only way this ride can be supported properly while passing clearance tests. I have also created the terrain around Firebird, so now it doesn't crash into the ground anymore. :P




I leave you with another hint for Ventura World's 5th coaster, and a partial aerial view of Ventura World, minus Coaster #5 (which is only awaiting supporting now at this point)!

"x + 3 = 18"

mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post November 3rd, 2015, 8:55 am

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Location: Philippines
3rd November Update: Firebird Supports Progress; 3rd Coaster #5 Hint

I've fixed the issue with Firebird's loop connectors, and I've also created supports up until the drop into the ravine! Some supports are a little different from what B&M usually makes, such as the 0G roll support in the 2nd picture, but those unconventional supports are out of necessity; I needed to pass clearance testing. The Immelmann supports also don't have that one odd column jutting out like the ones on Banshee's dive loop or OzIris' Immelmann simply because I like the aesthetics of my alternative better. :P (Plus, it seems to work just as well, don't you think?)






And here's another hint for Coaster #5:

What do Maverick and The Beast have in common?
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post November 3rd, 2015, 9:29 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,501.00 Points
They both have tunnels! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post November 3rd, 2015, 10:20 am

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AmatsuNL wrote:
What do Maverick and The Beast have in common?

-They both have 2 major sources of transport with a section of layout afterward, like reaching their second wind
-Spread out layouts
-Considered by enthusiasts to be their home park's Magnum Opus.

Post November 5th, 2015, 8:22 am

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Thank you for your feedback as well as sharing your guesses, guys. :) I can say that this coaster is in fact, in my opinion, one of my best works!

5th November Update - Taurus Crossover Supports Modified; Firebird Supports Completed

After receiving feedback from another coaster forum, I've modified some of Taurus' crossover supports. I've also finished the supports for Firebird! This was really the first time I've created a decent inverted coaster, so that was pretty special. The prefab atomizing option really came in handy here! And that means that the next update for Ventura World will include the big reveal for Coaster #5.








Well, Ventura World's released some kind of teaser image for their mysterious 5th coaster. Seems like it won't be a B&M Megacoaster after all? To be fair, though, parks don't usually release promotional images with accurate track styles, so it could very well still be a B&M. Whatever it is, it looks like it could in fact be big.


All this time, you've been standing inside the eye of the storm.
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post November 5th, 2015, 8:24 am
Paradox User avatar

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It's gonna be a Karnan like ride. Calling it now.
Coasterkidmwm wrote:
gouldy wrote:
Just don't employ stupid people and you're golden.

That's like finding a Waffle House with no white trash in it.

Post November 6th, 2015, 8:51 am

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Post November 6th, 2015, 10:36 am

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6th November Update: The Falcon Soars Once More


In 2016, Ventura World will be introducing Gyrfalcon -- The world's fastest looping coaster. Named after one of the world's fastest animals, Gyrfalcon will execute maneuvers that have never been attempted on any other roller coaster ever before. Gyrfalcon will achieve its maximum speed of 151 km/h at the bottom of its second drop as it flies past an incredible high-speed, ground-hugging, downhill airtime hill. With this incredible velocity, Gyrfalcon will execute a series of twists and turns, reaching its peak intensity during this first half with a ground-hugging barrel roll and an ejector airtime hill. Gyrfalcon ascends back up the hill, but this ferocious ride is not letting up just yet -- you will then be greeted by three consecutive ejector airtime hills and a 0G roll directly above the ride's station, finishing with a steep and intense downward helix and a final shot of airtime into the brakes. One word describes Gyrfalcon perfectly: Relentless. Get ready to soar with the Gyrfalcon in 2016.

Well, here it is, Ventura World's 5th roller coaster is in fact a remake of my greatest NoLimits 1 creation! You may be able to recall this ride from about 2 1/2 years ago if you were around during the NL1 days. I'm really excited to finally be able to have an opportunity to share this ride with today's NL2 community! However, this is more than just a simple import from NL1, because I have actually done quite a few modifications to make this ride even better than it was before, while still keeping the general concept and layout!

Modifications from the original Gyrfalcon:
- Increased lift hill speed to increase passengers per hour
- Changed coaster style from the Classic Steel Looping trains to the more open, spacious and high-capacity Gerstlauer Infinity Coaster 2 trains
- Refined track shaping so that the forces at certain points are lower or sustained for shorter durations, increasing rider comfort without compromising the ride sensations
- Refined track shaping so that the directional changes are snappier and have a less "Newtony" feel
- Replaced the mid-course brake run with a double down element so that pace is maintained more effectively
- Replaced the first helix after the 0G Roll with an S-bend, downward turnaround and airtime hill to improve interaction with people waiting in line
- Increased the number of negative-G moments from 15 to 18

As for the clues? Well, these are what they mean:
- "Merlin" is actually the name of the rocket engine used by SpaceX to send cargo to the International Space Station; the name of the rocket that uses these engines is the Falcon 9
- Gyrfalcon used to have 15 moments of airtime; I've added 3 more for this revision
- Maverick and The Beast do not reach their maximum speeds during their first drop (Maverick reaches its maximum speed during its launch, while The Beast reaches its maximum speed at the bottom of its third hill)
- "All this time, you've been standing inside the eye of the storm" means that the storm hasn't left; you just think it has because everything's calmed down -- something is making a comeback

Hope you guys like it! :D










mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post November 6th, 2015, 1:08 pm

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At first I thought this was a completely different ride with the same name and got slightly disappointed, but then I read the description and I am pleasantly surprised. I still liked the "ambiguous manufacturer" aspect of the original, tho the Infinity lapbar trains sound more fun to ride in. It kinda reminds me of this Infinity concept I came up with one time at work. It would be a counterpart to The Smiler but instead of 'most inversions' it would be 'most air-time moments.'

Post November 6th, 2015, 1:23 pm

Posts: 8144
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I adore the effect like "Wicked or Infinity style is now a B&M esque but an Intamin feeling coaster!" :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post November 6th, 2015, 6:46 pm

Posts: 730
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Location: Philippines
Thanks guys! :D I really made sure that this remake would stay true to the original version but made better with all the new features. It's still meant to be kind of a custom design (though in this universe Gerstlauer would be lending a hand, kind of like how Cannibal @ Lagoon was made with the help of ART Engineering), so lol240, that's probably why the ride seems like that. :P And SkyArrow, it'd be pretty interesting to see that concept of Airtime Smiler!
mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post November 14th, 2015, 7:50 am

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Location: Philippines
14th November Update: Gyrfalcon Supports Completed

Over the past week, I've finished the supports for Gyrfalcon, including flanging! That means that I can finally move on to the most difficult part of this project: The theming. I've begun to slap down some of the in-game park rides in the park, but please note that absolutely nothing about the ride placement or the paths are final at all. :P Any constructive feedback or comments are greatly appreciated!











mkingy wrote:
Yoda was famously quoted as saying:

Yoda wrote:
Free the Orcas, you must
Sith will prevail, otherwise


Post November 14th, 2015, 8:33 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Okay the lifthill supports on that invert.....what is going on with those? I know what you're trying to do, but it looks a tad ridiculous.

Also I know Gerstlauer is know for doing some crazy support stuff, but don't get too "overly creative".
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post November 14th, 2015, 8:57 am

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AmatsuNL wrote:



Not sure if it's the thickness of the beams but it kinda looks over-supported to me.


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