Anyways, welcome to my construction thread V3 (v1 and 2 on NLE). Here you'll find me switching to multiple projects at a concerning rate, and might see me complete something. Anyways, as of when this was created I am currently making a Sonic Generations themed ride, cuz why not? It's a B&M Hyper Coaster inspired by Behemoth and Goliath at SFOG, and an Intamin Giga (Modern Sonic is Giga, Classic Sonic is hyper). So, on to screenshots!

Cya next update!
PS: These screenshots are a little bit outdated, so just be warned about that. Also, if you want to see it from the beginning, here ya go: ... ionID=4407
PPS: From now, I am going to be more active here, so that means toiletalker26 is officially part of Coaster Crazy!