Is it me or is California sort of cold today? I'm freezing here with the temperature outside sitting at 51 degrees, hot for some of the old in the east or north, but come on. This is Cali, we'r eused to 70's and 80's in the winter! WWS
It's been nippy in NorCal too...As I type, I'm sittin next to a heater, full-blast. Now, what's with this stormy weather up here? We've been gettin Flash Flood warnings and had a sinkhole in a nearby city. It didnt help walking twice to taco bell to grab lunch. (taco bell is across teh street from me). After the second trip, my friend and I began running back home because it suddenly was pouring rain w/ huge droplets that stung from coldness
bah your all complaining for nothing, it normal to get below -40C with a bad wind chill here. It is only -15C with no wind today, so a nice warm winter canadian day [:D]
It's not normal California weather to be what we consider freezing up here and pouring rain, (you could literally take a decent shower in it). From what I hear, more is supposed to come in.
wish i could catch some of Cali's warm air in ajar in bring it to Cleveland. i fell bad for you Califonians all spoiled cuz you're use to nice weather j\k
51 (farinheight im guessing), dang ur lucky. It was like -5(farenhight like -15celcius somethin last night with 8 inches of snow. very cold but a snow day [:)]
I know where you are coming from. It is all a matter of perception. Here in Chicago 40 degrees feels like a heat wave and time for shorts and a tee!!! I guess we have to take what Mother Nature gives us and be thankful, it could always be worse. So grab a sweater, think warm thoughts and make the best of it. It won't last long.