I just realized everybody has already named their parks, so voting will start a day sooner.
Here is how it's going to work:
- Below is a list of all the players' parks with all their coasters (and parks) that were picked.
- You must vote on which parks you think are the best, by making a top 3. The definition of 'best' is up to you, this can be personal taste, quality, variety, matching colors on each coaster, you decide on what criteria to judge the parks.
- You vote by making a post in this topic with 3 park names, clearly indicating which park is no 1, no 2 and no 3. 1 is the best, 2 is second best.
- Un-ranked or otherwise unclear votes are not accepted
- Votes, once cast, cannot be changed (edited) or resubmitted, unless you (claim to) have a good reason and discuss it with me.
- You must have cast your vote before the deadline in order receive votes (in other words, no prize for you if you don't vote)
So, here just an example of the correct way to vote:
1. Five Banners Enchanted Hill
2. Peninsulas of Endeavors
3. Titanium Penny Town
Deadline is exactly ONE WEEK from now:
November 26th, 2015, 2:47 am