I need a texture for sketchup of the above, but I cannot even begin to find a head on picture nor do I know how to make it transparent between the groves. That industrial style flooring is used on Rougarou, Raptor, prisons, and the CP employee dorms at a minimum and I'm sure you can find it elsewhere. This thread is my last ditch effort before I use something else and just explain the error in a description. Any help would be appreciated and reward with a billion internet points, ride ratings, whatever. If scaling matters, the rectangular holes are just large enough to allow an iPhone in a case to fall through and hilarious splash into the water below while a sausage-fingers gets enraged about it.
The texture does not need to be shiny or anything, and it needs to be the following color (I can probably colorize it myself but here goes)
R: 255
G: 55
B: 55
Unfortunately the station I'm trying to recreate has grated stairs on the entrance and exit, and random sections of the station have grated flooring at odd angles for no reason.
Thank you if anyone is able to help.