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Herman's scripted stuff

Post your Nolimits 2 scripts here! Also any discussion regarding scription for NoLimits Coaster 2 should be placed in this forum

Post November 23rd, 2015, 1:52 pm
herman116 User avatar
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Hi guys!

As you may already have read in my introduction topic, I'm working on a recreation of a Japanese Ferris wheel and another flatride.

Daikanransha - Japanese Ferris wheel

This is the original Ferris wheel which I will try to recreate.

My first attempt at creating the base (not a big succes).

My second attempt at creating the base which is a lot better in my opinion. I watched a lot of pictures to try to make it as accurate as possible and cool5 also helped with a lot of feedback. It still misses about 30 or 40 supports though.

I'm planning to make it move like the original (one ride will be 16 minutes) and rideable through the onride camera. I also wan't to try to make it rideable by just walking in a cabin of the wheel but this could be difficult because the doors of the wheel are pretty narrow so maybe it won't be easy to just jump in one of them.

Huss Inverted Topspin

The second flatride I'm working on is a Huss Inverted Topspin like Talocan at Phantasialand. I've made a minimalistic model of a topspin which is actually only a few bars attached to each other but it's enough to create some code and test it.

This is what I got so far. I want to try to make the movements very realistic so I've created some code which can swing the seats back and forth in a pretty realistic manner.

When most of the programming is done on this ride, I will try to make a realistic model of the ride and add a few extra things like the restraints and moving loading platform. It will also probably have a onride camera.

The whole point of making a lot of code to just let the seats swing is that the ride program should be easy to change. So if everything goes well You'll be able to place the Topspin in a park and edit the ride program yourself (make it more extreme for a park full with mega coasters or just turn it into a slow weird Japanese Ferris wheel thing ;) ). It will probably be pretty difficult to achieve this goal but I do like a good challenge!
Last edited by herman116 on November 23rd, 2015, 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post November 23rd, 2015, 1:58 pm
Blase Rhine User avatar

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Woah this is awesome! I love the ideas and it seems like you know exactly what to do to execute it well. Looking forward to seeing more!
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Post November 23rd, 2015, 2:14 pm
herman116 User avatar
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I'm not that good at modeling but I am pretty good at programming. That is one of the reasons why the model of the Topspin will be created later on (so that I can practice a little bit on other stuff before making the actual model).

Post November 23rd, 2015, 2:42 pm
mkingy User avatar

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Fantastic stuff, I'll be keeping a keen eye on your projects!
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Post November 23rd, 2015, 6:37 pm

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I think the very outer pipes are now too thin.

Can you make them like 1 or 2 feet bigger?

Post November 24th, 2015, 11:18 am
herman116 User avatar
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If I make the outer pipes 1 feet bigger they will be as big as the inner pipes. Because the inner pipes are a bit bigger than the outer pipes, I will make both pipes 1 feet bigger.

Post November 24th, 2015, 1:28 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Remember "custom pipe" exists for fine tuning. Excellent work so far btw!
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Post November 24th, 2015, 4:28 pm

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If you make the doors of each car a bit wider than the real ride then you can walk in and ride the wheel with the walkmode. I really really want to be able to use the walkmode only for this wheel.

Post November 25th, 2015, 1:33 pm
herman116 User avatar
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^^ Re-sizing the supports won't be difficult. And I want to get this easy part done wright before I get to the more difficult stuff like the cabins.

^ I will do my best to make it rideable!

Post November 25th, 2015, 1:39 pm

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Can you make the cars play music inside them? Like have 32 cars have music and have 32 cars have no music option.

Post November 25th, 2015, 2:43 pm
herman116 User avatar
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Post November 25th, 2015, 2:43 pm

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Post November 26th, 2015, 2:34 am

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^ Yeah, we all need them. Well said, Cool5! :)
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Post November 26th, 2015, 9:32 am
mkingy User avatar

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How about a little less pressure guys, If Herman feels he's in a position to post progress I'm pretty sure he will ;) It's only been 3 days.
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Post November 26th, 2015, 11:14 am
herman116 User avatar
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This week I've been busy with homework but I hope I have time this weekend to work on the projects. Don't worry, when I get something done I will post an update here. ;)

Post November 27th, 2015, 4:17 am

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^ Yeah, you can work on your stuff anytime! For your very best quality rides and structures you don't need to be in a rush! I have to say thanks for keeping us amused!

-- I was happy to be with NL1 - [:')] --

Post November 27th, 2015, 3:32 pm
herman116 User avatar
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The base should be ready:


Now I'll start working on the wheel.

Post November 27th, 2015, 3:46 pm

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You are missing the top two horizontal pipes that connect the 3 pipes in a triangle.

Post November 28th, 2015, 10:42 am
herman116 User avatar
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^ I've fixed the pipes!

Today I've been working on the wheel:



Post November 28th, 2015, 11:16 am

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I see the wheel does not have all the fine details but that would take a very long time to make. Plus it could lag more for some people.

Id say finish the wheel and get it scripted, animated and rideable.

Then later you can add in the rest of the details when you get better at modeling in Sketchup.

Post November 28th, 2015, 2:07 pm
mkingy User avatar

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Post November 28th, 2015, 4:26 pm
herman116 User avatar
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^^ The wheel itself takes about 2.5 seconds to be loaded in the Nolimits coaster editor at my computer. All other models can be placed in no time. So it's probably already a pretty big model to handle for Nolimits.
I already made a very small script which just rotates the wheel. It's traveling exactly one rotation per 16 minutes, just like the real one. ;)

^Thanks! :)

Post November 28th, 2015, 4:36 pm

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You have started the cars or will you make them tomorrow? Can you make one car and then have the 3d program you use automatically paste them where they are suppose to go?

Post November 28th, 2015, 5:17 pm
herman116 User avatar
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I've started a little bit on the last segments of the wheel (the frames which will hold the cabins) but they turned out pretty wrong so I deleted them again.
I don't know yet if I have time tomorrow to work on the wheel.
Luckily I just have to create one cabin which I'll just copy to the right places.

Post November 28th, 2015, 6:17 pm

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You need to make them a narrow triangle like this.



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