Ps I wont bore you with little details
Well we set off around 11pm on Saturday (22nd August) to catch the SeaFrance ferry from Dover at 5am, and found the campsite in France around lunchtime, which was rather handily placed 11km from the Park.
Disneyland MGM - Well before I start going on about this - let me say something about ticket prices. It cost us more for a 2 day pass at the Disney Parks (These were for the whole family) than it did for a Family season pass with Parking at Six Flags. !!!! MGM Studios was overall a pretty good park, Rock n Roller coaster here is good, although the launch doesnt seem as strong as the US version. The new car stunt show was particuarly good, but the rest of the park seemed a little bland and seemed to be filling space more than anything else. The food from Backlot express cafe was very tasty, if not a little expensive. We didn't spend the whole day in MGM and left the park at around 5 o clock (It closes at 6) to go into the main Disneyland. Its much busier in the Disneyland park, but there are alot more worthwhile attractions. Space Mountain was very poor - quite rough, and the special fx do not seem as great as last time I visited. Also the launch is very tame, and there is 0 airtime as you enter the main structure. I cant remember what rides I went on which days, so I'll just say that Thunder Mountain Railroad is good, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril isnt too bad, and the lunch was great. On the third day we went into Paris to see some of the sights, and was probably the most boring day! During our last day in France we spent the day at the campsite, checking out the lake, playing some football (Or soccer) and tennis.
Spent the 5th day going to Belgium, and the day we arrived the rain was pouring. As we arrived at the campsite we had planned on staying at, none of my family liked the look of it (I wouldn't have minded) so we stayed in a Hotel for the 2 night stay at Belgium. Six Flags Belgium was a fairly good park, With Werewolf (Or Loup-Garou as some sites may call it) my new favourite woodie and Vampire as the smoothest Vekoma SLC I have ever ridden. But the seats smelt a bit like bad feet. The rest of the park was pretty sub-standard, and Turbine was broken down the day we were there. After 2 nights in Belgium we made the long drive to Holland where we stayed at a campsite practically 200m from Six Flags Hollands entrance - A park I got to visit 5 days in a row! 25 Rides on Goliath (My new favourite coaster) about 10-15 rides on Superman and around 10-15 on La Via Volta. I was thoroughly impressed by Six Flags Holland, the park layout is great at keeping ques away from Goliath, and if you plan on going get there as soon as you can (Around 9:45 should do it) and go straight to Goliath to get walk on ques. The ferry back went well, and we even saw 4 Aston Martins on the same deck as us

Overall it was great, only 3 days of rain and temperates pushing 30+ degrees in Holland. I would strongly recommend camping at Riviera if your into camping, just make sure you take lots of 50 cent coins for hot showers.