Greetings everyone! I sincerely apologize for the long delay with this contest. Recently I haven???t been around on CC, and because of that I???ve completely forgotten about the contest. Not only me, but paradox also had the same incident as I did. But without further ado, we???re back and we will be bringing you the top three entries for ???The Most Intense??? CC contest!
3. Plantoris - Rock Slide
Score Chart:Realism = 8 / 10
Shaping = 3 / 5
Intensity = 7 / 10
HWTIU = 6 / 10
Usage of Terrain = 1 / 3
Overall Impression = 3 / 5
Overall points = 28 / 43Coming in close third is this amazing ride by Plantoris! One big thing that blew us all away was the high sense of realism in the park. Not only was the ride well done, but the area around it was spectacular and truly made the ride feel ???alive??? in its area. In terms of shaping, it was pretty good, the only big issue was how snappy some rolls were, it seemed there wasn???t a lot of time put into properly smoothing the track, but this wasn???t very consistent so it wasn???t going to terribly effect the score. Intensity was also very well done, not the most intense but enough for it to be very enjoyable! The Usage of terrain wasn???t very high either, but that???s not a big issue considering the amount of stuff placed along the ground around the ride. Overall, this was also a very well made ride, and with an average score of 28 / 43, it was definitely in the top 3.
2. Dirk_Ermen - Resistance!
Score Chart:Realism = 6 / 10
Shaping = 4 / 5
Intensity = 9 / 10
HWTIU = 7 / 10
Usage of Terrain = 2 / 3
Overall Impression = 3 / 5
This entry was really exciting to look forward to from the start. The layout was very twisty and intense, making for a realistic, but equally intense coaster. One thing I really liked about this coaster was how much the track intertwined with itself. One problem with the ride was how, even though the shaping was good from an offride view, onride it was a bit bumpy at parts and the rolls weren???t controlled very well. Considering the amount of time given to create this, including that this was handbuilt, made this entry really impressive. Another thing I liked was the purism of it all. All the scenery was ingame, and given that it looked really nice. Placement of trees along with the grasslands really gave this ride a unique feel, great work! In conclusion, this ride was very well done, and was an all time favorite!
Overall Points: 30 / 43And last but not least???
*Drumroll please*1. The_Architect - Golden Eagle!

Score Chart:Realism = 7 / 10
Shaping = 4 / 5
Intensity = 8 / 10
HWTIU = 8 / 10
Usage of Terrain = 2 / 3
Overall Impression = 4 / 5
Overall Points: 32.5 / 43Overall this track had a lot of really unique elements. Some had obvious inspirations from real life rides *Cough* Pterodactyl flyer *Cough* and some other really interesting elements. What I found really enjoyable was the first half more than anything. In specifics, how it stayed so high off the ground for most of the ride was pretty interesting, it gave a good flying sensation??? Until you were hurtled left and right, roll here and a dive there??? It was pretty crazy! The ride had many sudden moments that were rather unexpected, which was really neat because you???d be in a flowy section of the ride before being tossed around into a transition or a roll. One nitpick regarding the two was how the rolls were so tight. I thought it sort of took away points to realism, and didn???t look aesthetically pleasing either. But these are only minor nitpicks. Congratulations!
Thanks for everyone who entered the contest, and I again apologize for completely abandoning this, and it???s good to finally finish it up and get it off my chest for you guys. It was really fun to see the tracks people came up with, and some of them (that didn???t make it in the top three) were really cool and exciting to see!