Lets Start With the Ride Line some may be new but alot of them have been shown in previous updates.
First Lets Start off with The Sea Serpant Thanks plantoris for Letting me use his model From The VallyFair Recreation!

Next is The Seawitch! The Intanim Impulse coaster.

Now Leviathan The B&M Wing Coaster.

Now Vampire The Mack Launch of the park.

Now This one is 2 coasters The B&M Hyper is Aughisky And The Wooden Coaster is Tannin.

Next is the B&M Invert Hippogriff.

Now heres 2 Coasters again The B&M Floorless is Voodoo and the Dive Coaster is Hydra.

Finally The B&M Flyer is called Graoully.

Thanks For Visiting River Side Park More to come Soon!!

Thanks to the team for all the help!