Board index Roller Coaster Games NoLimits Coaster 2 *New* Contest (by SuperChecker22)

*New* Contest (by SuperChecker22)

All discussion relation to NoLimits Coaster 2 should be posted here. Purchase NoLimits Coaster from this page: nolimits-coaster-2-purchase-and-upgrade-links-t32524.html

Post January 13th, 2016, 7:35 am

Posts: 82
Points on hand: 1,642.00 Points
Location: Germany

Perhaps this Contest starts in april.

Hallo/Hello No Limits Coaster Fans,


Ich entwerfe schon seit ein paar Jahren Achterbahnen in No Limits Coaster. Jetzt m??chte ich aber nicht mehr vollkommen alleine meine Kreativit??t umsetzen, sondern suche einen kreativen Partner, der mich unterst??tzen k??nnte.
I create rollercoasters at No Limits Coaster since a few years. I would like to find a partner now, who is creative like me. He/She should support me at my building and creating of rollercoasters.


- No Limits Coaster 2
- Viele Erfahrungen im Entwerfen von Achterbahnen und Objekten mit Google SketchUp
- F??higkeit zusamen zu arbeiten
- Zuverl??ssigkeit
- Kreativ
- Beachtung des Realismus
- have got No Limits Coaster 2
- Experience at creating realism rollercoasters
- Experience at Google SketchUp
- be creative
- be reliable
- capacity for teamwork
- don't forget the realism


Entwerfe eine Achterbahn, die die Vorlage in keinster Weise ??berschreitet. Die Vorlage ist mit einerm rotem Rahmen begrenzt. Die Achterbahn sollte eine Warteschlange und einen Ausgang haben, der mit dem Gehweg verkn??pft ist. Die Station sollte, wenn es m??glich ist, mit Google SketchUp modelliert werden, da dies auch eine Vorraussetztung ist. Andere modellier Programme sind auch in Ordnung. Dazu soll sie realistisch sein und ein gewisses Thema ausdr??cken. Das Thema ist frei w??hlbar! Innerhalb der Vorlage kann das Terrain realistisch gestaltet werden. Die Gehwege m??ssen so gestaltet sein, dass sie durch nichts beeintr??chtigt werden. Du darfst diese Achterbahntypen verwenden:
You have to create a rollercoaster, that is built in the red area of the template. The sidewalk/pavement shouldn't blocked by the supports, the track, the terrain or objects. Also you must build your own station with entrace and exit in a object programm like Google SketchUp. Entrace and exit must connect with the sidewalk/pavement. The coaster and the objects have to show a realistic theme, that you can choose. You must pick one of these types of rollercoaster in No Limits Coaster 2:

- Classic Steel Looping Coaster
- Classic Steel Looping Coaster (Modern)
- Corkscrew Coaster
- Gestlauer Eurofighter
- Gestlauer Eurofighter 2
- Gravity Group Timberliner
- Alle Hyper Coaster
- Inverted Coaster
- Inverted Impulse Coaster
- LIM Launched Coaster
- Mark Launch Coaster
- Maurer S??hne X-Car Coaster
- Rocket Coaster
- Twisted Floorless Coaster
- Twisted Sitdown Coaster
- Twisted Stand-Up Coaster
- Wooden Coaster

Disqualifizierung bei/Disqualification by:
- Nicht einhaltung der Vorlage
- Behinderung auf dem Gehweg durch St??tzen, Schienen, Objekte oder Terrain
- Verschiebung und Ver??nderung der Vorlage
- negativem Benehmen im Forum
- Kopieren aus bereits existierenden Werken
- exceeding the template
- blocking the sidewalk/pavement through supports, the track, objects or terrain
- moving and modifying the template
- bad manners in the forum
- copying from other people

Schreibt mir eine private Nachricht und euren Namen. Im Gegenzug bekommt ihr die Vorlage.
Grund: Dient f??r mich als ??berblick.
You have to write a private message with your name. So I will give you the template for the coaster.

Vorsicht! Der Post wird zwischendurch ??berarbeitet.

Careful! This post will be edited in the meantime.

Ich w??nsche viel Spa?? beim entwerfen!

Mit freundlichen Gr????en


I wish you a lot of fun at the creating of your rollercoaster!

Best regards


Facebook: ... 778670041/

Bald folgt eine grobe Zusammenstellung zur Benotung eurer Werke! Au??erdem verk??ndige ich bald, wann der Contest endet. Im Vorraus kann ich aber schon sagen, dass ihr gen??gend Zeit habt.
I will post a summary of my ideas to grade your rollercoaster. Also I will promulgate the date, when the contest will end. I can say you beforehand, that you have enough time.
Last edited by SuperChecker22 on January 13th, 2016, 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post January 13th, 2016, 7:51 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Why not just release the template open for everyone?
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Post January 13th, 2016, 7:57 am

Posts: 82
Points on hand: 1,642.00 Points
Location: Germany

Dirk_Ermen wrote:
Why not just release the template open for everyone?

Because I would like to see, how many people join the contest and who is joining the contest. It is not too difficult to send a message at me.

Post January 13th, 2016, 11:46 am
Blase Rhine User avatar

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Due to the NL2 Tournament being hosted soon (more details coming February) this contest will not be approved by me until afterwards. We are currently waiting to host any "side" contests until after the Tournament concludes. I will be glad to approve the contest (after an official write up with rules/prizes/regulations/etc.) after the Nl2 Tournament. If you have any questions feel free to PM me.

German (this was translated through google translate so my apologies if anything is wrong):
Durch die NL2 Turnier wird bald gehostet ( mehr Details kommenden Februar ) Der Wettbewerb wird nicht von mir , bis danach genehmigt werden. Derzeit warten wir keine "Seite" Wettbewerbe , bis nach Turnierende hosten. Ich werde froh sein , den Wettbewerb zu genehmigen (nach einem offiziellen Schreiben mit Regeln / Preise / Regelungen / etc . ), Nachdem die NL2 Turnier . Wenn Sie Fragen haben, f??hlen sich frei, PM mich .
Sometimes I dream of unicorns and oreos

Post January 15th, 2016, 4:55 pm
Turbo User avatar

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Yes it is wrong lol
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post January 16th, 2016, 4:39 am

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
Unfortunately I'm no German speaker... :sad:
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

Post January 16th, 2016, 1:37 pm

Posts: 82
Points on hand: 1,642.00 Points
Location: Germany

Post January 16th, 2016, 1:40 pm

Posts: 82
Points on hand: 1,642.00 Points
Location: Germany

lol240 wrote:
Unfortunately I'm no German speaker... :sad:

That is no problem. I have translated the text into english. You have to read more as the first sentence. :-D

Post January 16th, 2016, 7:21 pm

Posts: 8144
Points on hand: 13,506.00 Points
^ Thanks for pointing out! :D
-- I was happy to be with NL1. --

Personal coaster count as of 3/2025 -- 222
"500" perhaps by the end of this year.
I will be a Thai citizen if possible in a few years.

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