Oblivion wrote:
My absolute NR 1: Anaconda at Wallygator park. It`s like a wooden coaster with square metal wheels...
During the first part of the ride I got a good smack in the lower rib. The rest from the ride I was enduring pain at that same spot. Each hill was awfull and I had to bite my teeth. When exiting I thought I broke my rib.
For months I suffered from it, even while watching television. I never let them examine it. I`ll never know if it really was broken or bruised. Never again I`ll ride Anaconda again.
Well, last time I rode it. It wasn't THAT bad imo. Even though a friend had a similar ride as you. (When we were seated next to eachother on the train
It had some proper maintenance this year. So I wonder how it's going to ride upcoming season.