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tunnel tesing

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Post May 3rd, 2003, 6:13 pm

Posts: 1008
Points on hand: 5,120.00 Points
Location: Illinois, USA

when i do the tunnel test, there is another tunnel in there, does that mean i'm hitting that track because it is above, but there is barely any tunnel. also, a support barely gazes it, does that pass to?

Post May 3rd, 2003, 6:59 pm

Posts: 258
Points on hand: 4,135.00 Points
Location: Cobb County, Georgia, USA

tunnel testing is completely innacurate. just watch the track pass questionable areas in 25% speed and if it looks like it passes than good, but if not than fix it. i wouldn't worry about it too much bro as long as there is no collisions that go directly through the screen [:)]

Post January 10th, 2004, 6:42 am

Posts: 17
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Location: NJ, USA

That's not true punk rock. If in tunnel testing, anything comes through, it means that the track is in the train's "personal space" if you will. If it's a small tunnel to tunnel collision, it's not too much of a worry, but youy want to clear that up just to be straight. If you see a support in a tunnel at all, it needs to be edited because unlike a tunnel collision, it means that someone with long arms, like myself, or possibly a person with a shorter wingspan, can reach out and touch that support and you don't want that to happen at 60 mph. All other collissions are obvious, so good luck!

Post January 10th, 2004, 11:58 am
bockzilla User avatar
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I have to disagree with you. If you build say a B&M inverted with standard supports provided in NL (example a lift hill or a straight section) and you tunnel test, you will find that the supports do show in the tunnel but barely. Don't forget that the tunnel also has to have clearance for rider space too. It really is a judgement call until NL provides a rider space testing feature.

Post January 10th, 2004, 10:50 pm

Posts: 361
Points on hand: 4,774.00 Points
Location: Cleveland, Richmond Heights, OH, USA

Hmm... ithink the tunnel test works but use common sense (maybe some of us don't have it but at least ummm...try) u can tell if you'd wack your arm off on a support or not.

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