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Post February 11th, 2016, 9:49 am
Coasternews User avatar
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Hello everyone,

I tought it would be a great idea to have a place where everyone is able to show and trade their theme park collection. And about a year ago I started to set up my own website where everyone is able to create an account and input their own collections to show of and trade with other people.

This website is hosted on:

Please note that this website is still in development and there might be some bugs. I am not a web designer but I will do my best to fix all the bugs and make improvements where necessary. There might still be some words in Dutch that I forgot in translation. If anyone has some improvements or comments on the website please let me know.

This topic has been created with permission of Oscar.

Happy trading everyone.

Post February 11th, 2016, 9:55 am
Oscar User avatar
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Hi! This is good :) I do remember a few members that were interested in something like this. The name that comes to mind most is deere as he was requesting people send him theme park maps. I also remember getting a very nice package with many park maps in it from LuckyK so maybe he too would be interested. I'm sure many others are as well :)
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

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