Made this one recently and it's by far my favorite logo. It will be nearly impossible to incorporate into a 3D model though. But I have had interesting ideas before.

It's got a lot of inspiration in it. Zekken is the name of the Absolute Sword in Sword Art Online II, Zekken's real name is Yuuki Konno and is the best known for her incredible speed. This speed gains her the title of the best Swords woman in the game of ALO.
There's more, the design you see behind the name "Zekken" is the race of which she plays as in the game. There are a total of nine races to choose from in ALO and Zekken is an Imp.
Bonus facts: Kirito is Spriggan, Asuna is Undine, Sinon and Silica are Cait Sith, Suguha is Sylph, Lizbeth is Leprechaun, Agil is gnome, and Klein is a Salamander.